Life on Mars Ficathon 2007 Beta Reading Volunteers

Jul 02, 2007 18:32

As you may have guessed by now, we have a ficathon coming up and lots of writers who will need beta reading assistance.

Now, it's probably best that our beta readers aren't actually participating in the ficathon themselves. So, this is a call to arms, a call to readers everywhere - can you please beta read for us? :D

If so, comment here with the following information;

Preferred method of contact:
Areas of interest: Fluff, angst, gen, het, slash, etc.
Areas of strength: Characterisation, plot, brit-picking, proof reading, etc.
Limitations: Can't beta read het or slash, can't verify if 1973 details are accurate, don't like SF, etc.

If you’re not exactly up for intensive beta reading, but you are up for helping with brit-picking or 1973 factuality, please express your interest in that too.

Our writers will be able to contact the right beta reader for them and we'll all be happy. Thanks in advance!

fic, ficathon 2007

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