Fic: Prat falls

May 17, 2007 18:09

Title: Prat falls
Author: Moi!
Spoilers: S2
Rating: Green Cortina
Word Count: 3828
Pairings: Sam/Gene
Summary: Ray's being an arse, Sam's being an idiot and Gene's about to box thier ears.
A/N: From my prompt  'challenge' this is
mrskeeler's prompt....Gene can't believe that he nearly lost Sam, declares his love (albeit privately) and swears not to be so stupid again. Just a thought, and a plea for some h/c. LOL! You wanted H/C, you got it, lol. It's a bit...fluffy, hope that's okay. Been a bit hard on Ray but needs must ;)

Sam and Ray are stood, inches apart, flushed and angry. They've both reached the end of their rope and neither one's gonna back down. Not now.

Ray's been going for Sam all day. Little digs and jibes. Snide comments about his sexual preferences and mental health. Nothing unusual, nothing he doesn't manage to ignore on a daily basis.

Except today he's had enough. Today he's almost lost a suspect, a witness and his own bloody life. He doesn't need Ray keep pushing home what a fucking idiot he really is. He'd figured that out all on his own.

"Don't push me Carling, don't bloody push me. I've just about had it with your smart arsed remarks and innuendos. What's your problem?"

"Don't play the game, people get 'urt. Thought you'd 'ave learnt that the first time you got some poor bitch gutted"

"Because your approach of 'pump 'em full of narcotics and watch 'em go pop' was so bloody successful. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones DS Carling"

"You little shi..."

"What was that, come on, be a brave boy, speak up"

"Nothin', was nothin'"

"No, if you've got something to say, say it, if not, shut the fuck up and get out of my face before I get the Guv to walk up and down your arse"

"Oh really? You'll get the Guv to give me a 'talkin' to' will yer? You really reckon he wants you 'ere anymore than we do? Way I see it, you piss 'im off as much as you do us"

"That's not true"

"Sure it ain't"

"Fuck you, Sergeant"

"No thanks nancy boy, you ain't my type"

Ray turns on his heel and walks away, leaving Sam open mouthed and seething. He hears Gene coughing and spluttering in his office and heads his way, slamming the door behind him.

"And why didn't you step in?"

"Step in where Sammy boy?"

"Where? There, you bloody git. I'm sick of your officers talking to me like a piece of shit and you not saying a bloody thing"

Gene reaches for his ciggies, shakes one from the packet and lights it. Regarding Sam through the smoke, he quirks an eyebrow and leans back in his chair, planting his feet on the table top.

"You give as good as you get Tyler. You ain't so lilly white yaself. S'not like you an' Ray 'ave ever really seen eye to eye is it?"

"Not seen eye to eye, is that what you call it? I'd say he pretty much hates my guts and wouldn't mind seeing me under the wheel of a bus"

"Did you ever give him chance to get to like you?"

"No but.."

"Exactly. Don't keep prattlin' on about 'my' officers and their lack of respect. You only get what you give and you've never given Ray any reason to respect you"

Sam's sulky, dejected, hang dog expression is almost cute. Gene finds himself wanting to nibble on Sam's bottom lip but manages to hold himself in check. Wouldn't do to reward childish behaviour, especially not at work. He does relent a little though, offering Sam a piece of advice.

"Look Gladys, don't keep ridin' him and he won't keep buckin' you. You came in, took what was 'sposed to be his job and started rearranging the furniture. Cut him some slack, give him some credit. He's a good bloke, you just don't know how to take him is all"

"Once, just once I'd like you to actually stick up for me. Not 'cos I'm your DI, not 'cos I'm right but because you want to"

"Oh for cryin' out loud. Don't go all girly on me. All I said was he's a good bloke. Didn't say you should start makin' him friendship bracelets and braidin' 'is hair and I didn't say you were wrong. You gotta learn to fight your own battles. I can't step in every time you two decide to behave like a couple of school kids"

"But he's your Sergeant, you should be..."

"He's your Sergeant too, Sam"

His 'little boy lost' routine is really starting to get to Gene. Sam knows exactly what effect those puppy dog eyes have on him but he's not gonna give in. He can't keep intervening. Sam's gotta learn to pick his battles.

"Still, be nice if you could be with me instead of against me once in a while. How come Ray gets all the slack and I get stepped on?"

Oh my god, is he..he is...

"Shit, you're jealous!"

"No I am not"

Gene can't stop the tiny smirk from blossoming. Sam's jealous. He's actually jealous of Ray. Sometimes he can be such a div.

"Yes you are, you're jealous. What is it with you? You ain't happy unless you're unhappy. I'm not screwin' Ray am I? Not sneakin' over to his house every night to play a little 'Cops 'n' Robbers'"

"And I'd know that how? It's not like you'd advertise it. Hell, most the team think you can't stand the sight of me and we've been doing it like hormonally unhinged teenagers for months. For all I know, you could be snogging Ray in lost 'n' found every chance you get"

"Grow up and get outta my office 'for I belt you one. You're like a spoilt child, can't get 'is own way so he sulks"

The thought of going anywhere near Ray's disgusting excuse for a moustache makes Gene's stomach do little somersaults, threatening a return journey for his lunch. Gross. Sam's defiant yet hurt look, is starting to really aggravate him aswell. Sometimes he didn't know why he put up with the little sod.

Sam stands to leave, shooting Gene one more soppy look then heads out of the office. Gene waits for the door to swing shut and allows himself to chuckle. Such a prat. Good shag, cute, nice arse, but still a prat.


Ray's been avoiding Sam all day. Ever since their little altercation he's not wanted to give him chance to start again and Sam's been quite happy to stay huddled at his desk, sulking and not talking to anyone.

Chris has tried making polite conversation a few times, gaining nothing but a grunt and a curt nod of the head and Gene hasn't even bothered. Deciding to let him stew in his own juices for a while.

When the call comes in about armed blaggers trying to do over a bank, it's a welcome relief from the atmosphere permeating the office. It gives Sam something to focus on other than his own childishness and Gene doesn't have to keep feeling guilty about backing Ray when really Ray'd been in the wrong.

They all bundle into Gene's beat up old Cortina and hang on for dear life as he takes every other corner on two wheels.

For the briefest of moments, Ray and Sam are united in their opinion of the Guv's driving. They look at each other, grimace and shout "SLOW DOWN"

Gene simply grins and floors the pedal, squealing round yet another blind corner.

By the time they reach the bank, all three passengers are looking a little green and having serious trouble holding down their lunch. Gene strides from the car towards the cordon as Ray, Chris and Sam all stumble out looking like they've been dragged through a hedge backwards.

Once all four of them have been briefed in full ~'Four blaggers, all with sorn offs, evil looking buggers. Oh an' they've got a hostage'~ They start working on a plan of attack.

Gene wants to do the usual, storm in, guns blazing and take 'em off at the knees. Sam's more in favour of the 'wait it out' approach.




"Why the hell not?"

"Because they've got a hostage, if you go in there all 'John Wayne' they'll panic and we can kiss good bye to you ever getting a superintendents badge. You really wanna give Jackie Queen another reason to tie you up in knots?"

"Bloody woman's out to get me anyway"

"That's not the point and this is somebody's life we're dealing with here"

"Fine, what d'ya suggest then brainiac?"

"Like I said, wait it out, try and get 'em communicating. See if we can get 'em to let the guy go"

"Because that worked so well last time"

Sam grits his teeth and attempts to ignore the painful reminder. He'd almost got Gene shot, it was only Gene's addiction to carrying his own weight in whiskey that'd saved him.

"All right fearless leader, what's your plan?"

"We go in two teams of two, back and front, try and gain access. Sneak up and blow the buggers away"

"You had me up until 'Sneak up'"

"Sarcastic shit"

"Actually, that's not a bad plan"

"So glad I have your approval"

"Now who's being sarcastic?"

Gene pulls out his gun and checks it's loaded, motioning for the others to do the same.

"Who's going with who then?"

He takes one look at Sam's face and decides it's time for a little team building exercise.

"You and Ray can take the back, me and dunder 'ead 'ere will take the front"

The reaction is instantaneous. Both Ray and Sam start bleating on, shouting the odds and generally stamping their feet. Gene merely smiles and gestures in the direction of the back of the bank.

Sam shoots Gene a murderous glare and stomps away, not bothering to wait for Ray. Ray turns pleading eyes on his Guv but admits defeat when he simply raises a 'brow and refuses to say anything.

Sam's got his back to the wall next to the rear exit of the bank. Ray comes jogging round the corner, huffing and puffing and holding his gun. Sam places a finger at his lips and shushes Ray's heavy breathing.

Ray sneers but attempts to quiet down.

Sam places a hand against the door and pushes gently. When it slides open easily, they both smile. Together they slip inside, peering left and right, checking for any of the armed men.

No one appears so they tiptoe towards the front of the building, all the while keeping as quiet as possible.

They make it all the way to the door between the front of the bank and the back room before Ray manages to fall over his own feet, crashing into a desk, knocking everything on top flying.

The sound is deafening in the silence. It brings two of the robbers running. They clock the two officers and raise their guns.

"Don't fuckin' move!"


"You got that right. Stupid pigs think they can get the better of us. When you boys gonna learn, we ain't so stupid?"

Sam raises his hands in surrender and backs away a little. Ray stands, staring defiantly at the two balaclava clad bastards.

"Ain't so stupid? Gimme a break Keats, you ain't so smart neither is ya"

"How'd you know it was me?"

"Shut up you friggin' idiot, now he knows it's you for sure"

"See, thick as two short planks"

"Ray, don't bait the nice man with the big gun, there's a good lad"

"You can shut up an' all, should 'ave known you'd be a little priss about this"

"All I'm saying is, if you don't want a hole where there isn't 'sposed to be one. Don't annoy the guy holding the shotgun"



"Nancy boy"


"Will you two narks shut up!"



Sam registers the 'click' of a gun being cocked and throws himself in front of Ray as 'Keats' pulls the trigger.

Everything slows to a crawl, Ray's shocked and bewildered face as Sam lands on him, forcing him to bend his knees and roll. The 'whoosh' of the bullet ripping through the air and seemingly insignificant 'pop' as it rips through Sam's back, lodging itself in his chest.

Time catches up with itself as Sam's limp body slumps against Ray's, pinning him to the floor.

Ray can hear Sam breathing, it's as if he's trying to suck air through water, it's squelching and gurgling and making Ray feel sick. He tries to push Sam's dead weight off but his hands slip and come away bloody. "DI Tyler?, Boss...Sam!"

He can hear the robbers scrabbling about and arguing above them "Shit you fuckin' moron, what ya go an' do that for? Now we're gonna be fair game for every copper out there"

Just as Ray's about to scream for help, two rapid fire shots ring out and he hears bodies hitting the deck. Then he feels Sam's body being lifted and can see a furious looking Gene struggling to get a grip on Sam's bloodied clothes.

"Guv, I'm sorry, I couldn't.."

"Get a fuckin' ambulance you idiot"

Ray launches himself towards the front exit and out into the street, yelling for a medic.

Gene props Sam on his side and presses down on the wound that's bleeding heavily enough to have stained Sam's leather jacket.

He feels Sam shudder once, watches as his already pale face whitens completely and starts to panic "Don't you dare, don't you dare give out on me"

When he receives no reply he all but shouts in Sam's ear.


"Nrgh Gene. mn.."

"Sam, come on, open your eyes. Stay with me"


"I know, just don't..don't go to sleep"

"M'tired, just wanna, just need to.."

"No! Wake up"

Sam's silent again, his eyes have closed and his breathing's become shallower, laboured. Gene can hear the blood bubbling in his throat, see it trickling down his chin.

"Ray, where's that bloody ambulance?!"

Ray comes rushing back in, almost skidding into the two figures hunched on the floor, closely followed by a nurse and an ambulance driver.

They try and pry Gene away from Sam but Gene's refusing to let go, growling and snarling at any attempt to separate him from Sam's still form.

"DCI Hunt, let us work, we have to get him to the hospital"

Eventually Gene relents, moving far enough away to let them haul Sam onto a gurney, but not far enough that he can't see his face.

As they wheel him out front, shunt him into the back of the ambulance, Gene climbs in beside Sam. The last thing he sees before they close the doors, is Ray, staring numbly at Sam's prone figure lying cold and still.

If he sees Gene gripping Sam's hand, he doesn't comment. Just nods and watches as the doors are slammed in his face.


They've been working on him for ages, jabbing him with needles, gluing little wires on his chest. It's a absolutely horrific, having to watch as Sam's poked and prodded and made to look like a child's science experiment.

Gene's got his face pushed flat against the glass, standing helpless and alone as Sam's treated like a giant pin cushion. His first instinct is to get angry. How dare they treat his boy like that, how dare they do those things to him. Rational thought's rapidly becoming a thing of the past but he still understands, in the dark recesses of his mind, that what they're doing is for Sam's own good.

At one point an alarm starts wailing and Gene's heart decides it likes it better in his throat rather than his chest.

He sees the squiggly lines on Sam's heart monitor go flat and his own stops right alongside. Doesn't beat again until he can hear the steady 'pippippip' of the machinery. The alarm sounds for three whole minutes, they're the longest three minutes of Gene's life and he spends them pounding his fists against the glass panel, hollering and shouting for Sam to hold on, fight, fight you ponce.

When finally he's allowed in to see Sam, his feet don't want to move over the threshold. Like, if he stays this side of the glass, it'll all be some hideous dream that he can wake up from. Sam won't be lying in a hospital bed, looking like death.

He pulls up the diabolical torture device known as the hospital chair and settles himself at Sam's bedside.

Wrapping both of his large, warm hands round Sam's cold, clammy one he waits for some sign, some indication that his presence is felt. When he doesn't even twitch, Gene finally lets the tears fall.

Gene bows his head, lets his salty tears drip onto their joined hands and begins to talk, begins to berate Sam for being so bloody stupid.

"You fuckin' idiot, what you go an' do a thing like that for? S'not like Carling can't take care of 'imself. 'Cept you wouldn't be you if you didn't try and give me a soddin' heart attack once a week, would you?"

He looks up, thinks maybe Sam'll open his eyes and argue. When there's no response he tightens his grip and continues.

"Come on yer twat. Sit up, tell me to piss off, tell me I'm a dick'ead. Anything"

Gene can hear the monitor buzzing in his ear, it's a monotonous sound that makes his teeth itch, makes him want to put a fist straight through the screen.

"Trust you, eh? Trust you to go an' act the bloody hero. Thought you hated Ray, thought you'd 'ave jumped at the chance to see him lookin' like swiss cheese. Come on Sam, please, just wake up"

When there's no answer, he lapses into silence, lost for something to say that'll make himself feel any better or Sam look any healthier. Instead he concentrates on Sam's weak pulse jumping and stuttering under his palm.

It's been hours when Gene feels a hand at his back, lightly tapping on his shoulder so as not to startle.

Gene turns his aching neck and is greeted with the sight of Ray Carling, shuffling his feet, staring numbly at the floor, still saturated in Sam's blood.

It makes Gene feel sick, his gut rolls over, threatening violent retribution.

When Ray opens his mouth, it isn't to say sorry, offer comfort, nor praise for Sam's bravery. It's to mock, to ridicule, to insult.

"Bet he's lovin' this. Gettin' you in a tizz, finally got all the attention to 'imself hasn't he? Stupid bastard threw 'imself in the way. How was I 'sposed to know they was gonna shoot?"

Gene snarls and lunges for Ray, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him face first into the partition glass, revelling in the 'crunch' as his nose disintegrates.

Ray throws up his hands, tries to stop himself going through the glass but Gene's weight and brute force is too much and he crashes into it, shattering it with his body, landing the other side in a bloodied heap.

Ray curls into a ball, covers his face with his arms and attempts to hide from Gene's foot as it comes hurtling towards his head.

"He saved your fuckin' life you retard"

Gene kicks him again and again and again, watches as Ray folds round his leg and hangs on, trying to stop him bringing it back for another shot.


He doesn't hear it at first, it's so low, so strained, just continues to pound on his DS.

Sam coughs hard and shouts as loud as he can "Gene!"

Gene stops and whirls round, comes face to face with a horrified looking Sam. He doesn't understand the expression until he looks down and sees Ray still curled in on himself, cowering and covered in bloody foot prints.

"He's not worth it"

"But..Sam he, he said..and you almost"

"He's not worth it"

He turns back to Ray, shoves him with a toe, spits on the floor next to his terrified face "Get out. Just get out"

Ray hobbles to his feet, throwing one last contemptuous look at his Guv, then legs it.

Sam coughs and convulses, bringing up blood and bile. Gene runs to his bedside, cradles his neck, waits for Sam to finish then rubs soothing circles into his flesh.

"You look like shite"

"I feel like shite"

"Good job I'm into fixer uppers"

"Silver tongued charmer"

"Refined, that's me"

"Fancy playing nursemaid"

"Only if I get to wear the outfit"

Sam laughs so hard he starts coughing again and Gene has to yell for the matron.


Once Sam's settled and sleeping peacefully, as peacefully as a bloke who's had a bullet lodged in his lung can sleep, Gene feels himself start to relax. The tension is steadily draining from his body, leaving him limp and exhausted.

He can still see Sam's body sprawled on top of Ray, the bullet hole gaping in his back, still smell the acrid scent of singed flesh.

Every time he shuts his eyes he feels himself start to panic. It's ridiculous, Sam's alive and as well as can be expected. The Doctors have given him as much of an all clear as they can. So why can Gene feel himself starting to lose control?

He'd almost lost him. He'd almost lost Sam. Christ, the thought sends his heart racing, hammering against his rib cage.

He gets the urge to touch him, reach out, make sure he's really there, really alive.

He lays one hand on Sam's gently falling and rising chest, concentrates on the thumpthumpthump of his heart. Lets it sooth his shattered nerves.

Sam groans, shifts a bit but doesn't wake.

"You bloody sod. Give an old guy a heart attack why don't you. You know what it's like for me, watchin' you lyin' there, imaginin' how it could 'ave turned out. Don't you ever, ever...oh what am I sayin', 'course you will. That's what you do, try and find new and excitin' ways to worry me"

Sam smiles in his sleep and shunts himself closer to the sound of Gene's voice.

"I..I'm, shit, I can't even say it to you when you're sleepin'. No 'ope for me is there? Now you listen 'ere, don't you ever try an' do somethin' so bloody daft ever again."

Gene flexes his fingers, lets them slip inside Sam's hospital gown, enjoys the warmth of skin on skin.

"Look Gladys, what I'm tryin' to say is..what I mean..I mean...why's this so hard? You ain't even conscious, s'not like you're gonna take the piss when you don't even know I'm 'ere"

Finally Gene's aching back forces him to get up, try and get some blood back into his legs. He stares down at Sam's peaceful looking face and smiles, leans forward and whispers in his ear "I love you"

Gene kisses Sam's temple lightly, letting his lips linger a second then pulls away and heads for the door.

Sam waits for Gene's retreating footsteps to fade and opens one eye. Well, well, well, wonders will never cease. The great big scary Gene Hunt has a heart after all. Letting the drugs take hold, he rolls over, burrieing himself in his pillows and whispers "Love you too" before finally falling asleep.

fic, pairing: sam/gene, fic type: slash

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