Fic: final version of "Starving on the Jump Down"

May 15, 2007 03:31

The final version of my 2.08 ficlet/poem/thingy is now available on my website. For those who missed it the first time around, here's the relevant information again:

Title: Starving on the Jump Down
Autor: Hmpf MacSlow
Characters: Sam, Ruth, Maya
Rating: I find this extremely difficult to rate as the Cortina ratings system refers mostly to sex, whereas this contains... well, I guess you'd have to call it violence, though not of the 'beating someone up' kind. *I* find it pretty disturbing - even though I wrote it! - but I've been told the actual 'gore factor' isn't all that high. Maybe it's more disturbing to me because due to the research I did I have a clearer idea of what's going on (in a physical sense) than I'm actually telling you in the story. (Anyone, feel free to suggest a rating for this, and I'll edit the post to include it.)
Warning: spoilers for 2.08
Word count: 369
Summary: three seconds of joy, and the aftermath.
Link: Starving on the Jump Down


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