LoM Chat tonight!

Oct 25, 2015 13:51

Hey all! Dana is living it up in a hotel by Heathrow and your friendly local Reb is near the end of her week-long staycation. Therefore, it is my pleasure to announce this week's chat!

The Lifein1973 chatroom will be open starting from 7pm GMT. If you don't know what time that is, use this handy world clock to figure it out! The clocks in the UK changed today, so for any comm members that are stateside you will want to double check that you've got the time right.

Click right over here to join the chat, and get your weekly dose of fandom related waffling and your share of the Party Seven. Everyone is welcome, so don't be shy.

What are you all waiting for? Shove a bacon butty in your mouth and drive backwards very fast to the chatroom!


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