LoM fic back online

Apr 29, 2014 08:20

Hi (waves)

Haven't been around for ages so just thought I'd let you all know that all my old LoM slash is back online here at my journal. I've posted it and all my other fic to LJ as my old website is no more. This includes all 13 parts of The Cortina Chronicles and various other LoM fics. There are also 70+ drabbles (one of these days I'll count them properly), some of which were never posted here and were only on the old website. In the course of going through all my old fic I even found one which was never posted anywhere. All my LoM fic is gene/sam.

Happy to see this community is still going strong. :)

Update: Back by popular demand The Slasher's Guide to the Life on Mars Car is now at my journal complete with all original illustrations and links. Hope you find it useful. :)

character: cortina, fic, character: sam, pairing: sam/gene, character: gene, fic type: slash

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