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little_cello October 30 2013, 07:41:19 UTC

Aimaaaaaaaaaa that was so so lovely, thank you so much!!!!! <33333333333333333 I seriously didn't expect GENE to be one tobe playing the piano - and singing! - and I looove how you described him getting used to playing again, seaching for the notes and chords and Sam discovering him and ghfdsjkfhjakhf

Also you've improved so much on getting their voices just right, it's marvellous. Loved all of their dialogue <3333333333 AND THEN YOU THREW IN THE FACT THAT IT WAS IN FACT GENE'S VERY OWN PIANO AND I GSDJFHJKASHGJDKSDHJSAK that was a stroke of genius, tying in a bit of gen/canon. Perfect. <333333333
And their last exchange, I just. Left me grinning broadly <3333333333333333333333

Thank you so so very much again for writing this - I really needed this right now, cos I have to do something this morning which is leaving me all nervous and contemplating all the things that could go wrong, and your fic calmed me down nicely. <3333333333 Oh and, one last thing: Don't worry about it not being explicitly slashy. <333 You know me, I'm happy with both gen and slash, and while I did say "Sam/Gene"... honestly, if the fic is could, I couldn't care less whether or not it's slashy. And this fic here is MARVELLOUS, so~ Thank youuuu Aimaaaaaaaaaaa <33333333333333333333333


aisforinterval November 4 2013, 02:46:36 UTC
Haha, yeah, I've been at the keyboard many a time, trying to figure out stuff, noodling around... so it's a situation I'm all to familiar with xD

You think so? I didn't really do anything special for this one though. :U No accents or creative nick-names or whatever.

Honestly, I felt the twist about it being Gene's piano was a little cheesy, but I guess since it was so unexpected, it worked out ok. 'v'

Very glad to have brought a smile to your face. <3


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