Title: Funky Wings
little_celloRating: White Cortina
Characters: Sam, Gene
Summary: 2 simple sketches for the wing!verse
Notes: Following a
little style experiment, I couldn't help but explore that style a bit further (Fern, I blame you for putting ideas in my head) and so I sketched these two up very very quicklyand while I should actually be rehearsing my routine for today's exam. *quiet sobs*
My little headcanon: Sam has black wings, but they are tiny and absolutely useless for flying. Cue massive angsting, and of course Gene isn't helping either. But one day, Sam will have to save Gene from falling down some where high, and he will not think about how his wings don't work and he will JUMP and then BOOM THE WINGS GROW WITHIN THE BLINK OF AN EYE AND THEY ARE HUGE AND MAGNIFICENT AND SAM SAVES GENE AND THEY FLY OFF INTO THE SUNSET. The end.
Will colour these as soon as I get the chance ; v;