Title: Comic Shenanigans
aisforintervalRating: White Cortina (NOOOO I'M BACK IN THIS CAR AGAIN, HELP)
Character: Sam Tyler, Ray Carling, Chris Skelton
Summary: A couple of wacky tumblr comics that were really popular, and I'm only just now getting the courage/energy to post.
Sorry for not posting much guys. Issues and reasons and life getting in the way.
Hope you enjoy~ ;u;/
Okay, this probably needs some explaining... I was browsing Tumblr, then I saw
this post in passing. My brain went places, and this comic happened. I COULD EASILY SEE THIS HAPPENING OK~<333
......Yeah, I got no excuse for this. The pun struck me like a lightning bolt, giggled for maybe 15+ minutes about it, and had to get it down. Didn't like it much after I finished it, but what else is new. (also kinda started a guilty headcanon of mine that Chris has a soft spot for groan-inducing puns)
In case you don't get the joke, it's based on the fandom joke that if John Simm were a animal, he'd be a koala. (according to one Phillip Glenister that is) I can see the resemblance for Simm, but it doesn't really fit Sam IMO. I see him as more of a... black/dark gray tuxedo cat~ |D
(Part of me wonders if there should be a separate tag for comics... 'cept it would probably just be spammed with my crap. |D;;; )