Life on Mars mini!reverse!bang is here!

Mar 27, 2013 07:05

It is time to begin the Life on Mars mini!reverse!bang! What might that possibly be, you may ask? Well, a reverse!bang entails that the artists first do art, and then the writers do fic based on or inspired by the art. a Big Bang usually involves quite long fic, but we are not looking for that sort of commitment in this case. After some discussion, I'm proposing a two-stage reverse!bang.

NOTE: this is not yet the official signup post! That will follow shortly. This is a post for any questions/comments/thoughts.

Stage 1: The micro!reverse!bang. This will be for fics based on the art from our recent Artathon, links below. I'm proposing a word count minimum of 1000 words.

Artathon 2013
blue_sparkels: Sam and kid!Gene for aisforinterval [Gen | White Cortina]
lozenger8: Contemplative and sassy Sam for little_cello [Sam | White Cortina]
talkingtothesky: Don't forget me for awabubbles [Annie/Alex | White Cortina]
awabubbles: Don't stop me now for lozenger8 [Annie | White Cortina]
fern_tree: Under my wing for blue_sparkels [Sam/Gene | White Cortina]
fern_tree: Dystopia for basaltgrrl {Sam/Gene | Green Cortina]
basaltgrrl: A day to ourselves! for talkingtothesky [Sam/Annie | White Cortina]
little_cello: Not here, not now, not him for fern_tree [Sam/Gene | White Cortina]
aisforinterval: You're surrounded by... [Sam, Gene | White Cortina]

Stage 2: The mini!reverse!bang. All new art from any artists who sign up! Fic to be at least 5,000 words.

Proposed timeline:
Stage 1: writers sign up by April 10. Fic due by May 10.

Stage 2: artists sign up by April 10. Art due by May 10 (or later?). Writers sign up - open until art posted? Fic due by July 1?

Let me know if you have any thoughts about this proposed timeline! This is not the official sign up post.

mini reverse bang

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