It is time to begin the Life on Mars mini!reverse!bang! What might that possibly be, you may ask? Well, a reverse!bang entails that the artists first do art, and then the writers do fic based on or inspired by the art. a Big Bang usually involves quite long fic, but we are not looking for that sort of commitment in this case. After some discussion, I'm proposing a two-stage reverse!bang.
NOTE: this is not yet the official signup post! That will follow shortly. This is a post for any questions/comments/thoughts.
Stage 1: The micro!reverse!bang. This will be for fics based on the art from our recent Artathon, links below. I'm proposing a word count minimum of 1000 words.
Artathon 2013
Sam and kid!Gene for
aisforinterval [Gen | White Cortina]
Contemplative and sassy Sam for
little_cello [Sam | White Cortina]
Don't forget me for
awabubbles [Annie/Alex | White Cortina]
Don't stop me now for
lozenger8 [Annie | White Cortina]
Under my wing for
blue_sparkels [Sam/Gene | White Cortina]
Dystopia for
basaltgrrl {Sam/Gene | Green Cortina]
A day to ourselves! for
talkingtothesky [Sam/Annie | White Cortina]
Not here, not now, not him for
fern_tree [Sam/Gene | White Cortina]
You're surrounded by... [Sam, Gene | White Cortina]
Stage 2: The mini!reverse!bang. All new art from any artists who sign up! Fic to be at least 5,000 words.
Proposed timeline:
Stage 1: writers sign up by April 10. Fic due by May 10.
Stage 2: artists sign up by April 10. Art due by May 10 (or later?). Writers sign up - open until art posted? Fic due by July 1?
Let me know if you have any thoughts about this proposed timeline! This is not the official sign up post.