Title: Little Wonder
Rating: Blue Cortina (very pale)
Pairing: Sam/Gene
Wordcount: 200
Notes: Bit of inconsequential, fluffy pron. Comes out of my desperation for hairstroking fic. There will probably be more.
Gene's in the middle of a particularly thorough exploration of Sam's neck with his tongue when he feels Sam's hand press firm against his scalp, holding him in place. He nips a little at the smooth, damp skin still within his reach, thinks about biting down, staking his claim, before a sharper tug draws his head back and away. A disappointed sound escapes him, unbidden.
Sam grins. "You're such a greedy sod. But now it's my turn." He doesn't go for Gene's neck, though. Kisses his mouth instead, for so long that Gene's gasping for air, so deeply he doesn't notice, for a while, that Sam's other hand has left his thigh and joined the first in his hair, not simply holding him steady but stroking, gradually. Sam's fingers start at his temples and steadily work their way down behind his ears, thumbs skating back up his cheeks before starting again. Gene thinks it's a little strange, but so is everything Sam does, and it gets results. The kind of result that makes Gene touch himself, pushes him higher and higher. The kind that makes him groan when Sam lets go of his hair.
"Tease," he grunts.
"Love you, too."