Title: Like Letting Go
Author: severinne
Rating: Blue Cortina
Characters/Pairings: Gene/Mrs. Luckhurst, Sam/Gene UST
Word Count: 3100
Summary: Mrs. Luckhurst believes she has unfinished business with Gordon Brown. Gene has unfinished business of his own.
Written for the 2012 Ficathon to
chamekke's enigmatic prompt of "Wife on Mars. Just... Wife on Mars."
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I wasn't sure if this would be necessarily up your alley but I couldn't think of a better tribute to the triumph that was your 2.04 essay on the many fabulous women in that episode and Mrs. Luckhurst has long been an uncelebrated favourite of mine. She does size Gene up so effectively in that one scene and I've long been wanting to pay tribute to the woman who could objectify Gene in one glance the way he objectifies, well, the rest of the universe. *g*
(This did leave me wondering whether she made up the story about her David, though; it seems entirely too convenient for her purposes.)
It's a valid question... I like to think I left her depiction of that night open-ended enough to make it both fantasy and fact. There was a big back-story about David's sexuality (being of a sort that gave Mrs Luckhurst a lot more liberty) that made this scenario a lot more plausible but really, this was always meant to be Gene's story more than theirs.
And yes, I had to end it on a tease but really, was there any other way? ;)
I'm sooo glad you liked this, thank you for such an inspiring prompt! *hugs*
I've long been wanting to pay tribute to the woman who could objectify Gene in one glance the way he objectifies, well, the rest of the universe. *g*
This. SO MUCH THIS. She's one of the reasons I adored 2x04. I can't think of any other female character in LoM who's so completely at ease with her own sexual appetites in general, so frank about her attraction to Gene in particular ... and that (along with her red-and-pink underwear ;-) is what makes her so delightfully unforgettable.
And you gave us a chance to get to know her better AND to see that she's just as perceptive as we suspected ♥ ♥ ♥
Plus I love the S/G UST/denial subplot, which is delicious! But you know me, right, I'm fascinated by the tertiary characters these days. Thank you for indulging my weird kink ;-)
*dances about some more*
P.S. This made me a bit curious about the actress (Clare McGlinn) so I looked her up. Turns out she played a policewoman in the TV series The Cops. Here's a pic of her in the role from the Radio Times (on the right), 9 years prior to Mrs Luckhurst. Makes you think, doesn't it...
And wow, talk about a find! WPC Luckhurst AU, anyone? *g*
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