The Weekly Drabble Challenge 146 - Seven Random Words

Aug 19, 2011 00:05

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you may respond to the drabble challenge at ANY point during the week, not only the day that it's posted. You can also use the awfully handy "track this" button if you want to keep an eye on it.

The rules, such as they are... )

friday drabble challenge

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Comments 9

Drabble: Buried Treasure (mole) thesmallhobbit August 19 2011, 21:12:05 UTC
“So the challenge is to find where Harris hid the stolen goods before Litton does?” Sam asked Gene as they hammered on Harris’ brother’s front door.

The door was opened by a grumpy woman in curlers. Gene didn’t wait to be invited in, but pushed past her, leaving Sam to deal with the inevitable objections. Sam followed him through the house and out of the back door to where Gene was staring at the garden.

“Either there’s been some bloody big moles around or we’ve found what we came for,” he said, indicating several mounds of earth in the grass.


Re: Drabble: Buried Treasure (mole) chamekke August 20 2011, 07:20:46 UTC
Trust Gene to know exactly where to look! ♥

And he got the jump on Litton! Hee.


Drabble: School Run (button, mole) templeremus August 20 2011, 18:51:22 UTC
Mum is Tired today. Her hair snags on the comb, and the dress gathers in vexed creases about her ribcage.

“Great silly fingers... Sam, my love, could you-?”

You stand on the mattress to reach the last button, over the mole on her neck that Dad called a ‘beauty spot’. She cups your face in thanks, eyes half-closed; she would find you even in the dark.

“Double-quick time, now. One, two-”

You are flown to the ground and into marching step, hard leather shoes chafing with the effort.

This is the beat that grown-ups move to. Together, you walk tall.


Re: Drabble: School Run (button, mole) chamekke August 20 2011, 20:17:24 UTC
I'm overcome by the poignancy of this bittersweet little fic. Sammy helping his mum get dressed, because no one else is there to help her. The sadness in the phrase the mole on her neck that Dad called a 'beauty spot'. The affection in Ruth's words, her touch. And then Sammy scuttling along to match his mum's pace, having to move to a grown-up beat even when he's still small.

Oh, it hurts. And it's lovely. Thank you.


Re: Drabble: School Run (button, mole) templeremus August 21 2011, 09:15:30 UTC
Thank you. I've just realised that we never actually, to my best recollection, see young Ruth together with little Sammy. Almost everything that we know about their life without Vic is implied. But I think it's such an important part of Sam's character, and Ruth's gentle, loving bravery leaves a strong impression, in both timelines.


Re: Drabble: School Run (button, mole) chamekke August 21 2011, 09:22:03 UTC
I've just realised that we never actually, to my best recollection, see young Ruth together with little Sammy.

No, we don't. The closest we come is in 1.08, when we see Ruth bending down from Sammy's point of view. Or in 1.04, when we HEAR Sammy's coughs coming from a first-floor window and Ruth glances up at it. But no, the two actors never appeared together.* Which is strange, because we always imagine them together so effortlessly.

A lot of fics portray Ruth as unsympathetic or un-motherly in some way, so I really appreciate how your drabble shows us the undoubtedly loving side of this much-neglected character.

(And come to think of it, we don't really see young Sammy with Heather, either - in the sense that both actors are never identifiably in shot simultaneously.)


Drabble: The Beast In Me (mole, tart, entice) karaokegal August 25 2011, 06:11:27 UTC
WARNING-Reference to rape.

“No!” Sam blurted, attracting the usual compliment of rolled eyes and a disapproving frown from Annie.

She wanted this assignment. To her it wasn’t demeaning to be dressed like a cheap tart in hopes of catching the cretin who’d been terrorizing the local prostitutes. It was a way to prove herself to the Guv.

He watched as Phyllis used an eyebrow pencil to give Annie a beauty mark, completing the transformation , and felt something rising in his blood, dark and possessive.

Sam’s assignment was to protect Annie from the rapist, but who was going to protect Annie from him?


Drabble: Toying with his affections basaltgrrl August 25 2011, 11:55:31 UTC
Sam entices Gene from across the room with a button undone. He makes sure Gene gets an eyeful; leaning over the table so his shirt gapes wider as he deals the cards.

Gene’s look is tart and dangerous. There are words in it: “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Jealousy,” Sam thinks back at him. “How quaint.” He leans closer to Chris, close enough to see the mole at the base of his neck, close enough to make Chris gulp nervously.

“I bet he’s going to punch me when he gets back,” Sam whispers. “Double or nothing?”


Re: Drabble: Toying with his affections thesmallhobbit August 25 2011, 21:26:28 UTC
I hope you know what you're doing Sam!


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