Title: Sam's Choice Part 2
Rating: White
Characters: Gene, Sam, Ray,Chris,Annie and rest of A Division
Wood Count 2000+
Summary: Sam discovers the truth and makes a decision
Disclaimer: Life On Mars is not mine
Would also like to thank my beta Sarah
Follow link to story.
He had dreaded telling the Guv. Thought that once that was done he could face the others.
The others.
The ones who had come to depend on him along with Gene. Depend on the fact he knew what to do, knew that at the end of the day, he would keep them safe until it was time for them to go home to their love ones. Now standing before them, he searched every one of their faces, and realized how wrong he was. These were the men and women he worked closely with for several months.
He looked at Annie and saw the concern etched into her face. Ray with his arms crossed across his chest, muttering to Chris about how bad he looked. He also heard DC Smythe telling DC Greene and DC McDowell how he had better things to do than listen to more of his fancy ideas that only caused more work for everyone, and that he wished the boss would get on with it.
He knew they were getting restless he had to start didn't he, he looked down at his feet, trying to fight the urge to flee the room. Then he felt it. Gene’s hand on his shoulder, he turned to face him.
"I can tell ‘em." Gene whispered.
He looked Gene in the eye, and shook his head, no, as much as he wanted someone else to tell them, he knew he had to do it.
Sam took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled, as he felt the calm wash over him he began. He scanned the room as he spoke, never lingering on one face for longer than a few seconds, he couldn’t look at Annie, didn’t want to catch her eye.
Unlike Gene no one interrupted but he could see the disbelief on their faces, he heard hushed voices, traitor, one hissed, go back to Hyde where you belonged, said another, never belonged here in the first place and never fitted in here to begin with and now we know the reason why. He couldn’t make out who said what, so pressed on, not stopping long enough for his nerve to waver.
Finally he was finished, asked if there were any questions. They came fast furious and all at once. Sam tried to answer but there was just too many of them. That is when Gene stepped in. He nodded to Sam who then started to leave. When he got to the door he heard "that's right leave coward, go crawl back under the rock you came from, you're nothing but a dirty piece of filth not fit to be around decent folks."
He paused for a second before pushing open the door and walking out of the office, all the time wishing he hadn't promised Gene he’d wait in Lost and Found.
What you going to do Guv? How fast you getting rid of the piece of slime?"
"SHUT THE BLODDY HELL UP.” Gene roared, "I know you’re all upset ‘bout what just went down but there’s somethin’ you need to ‘ear."
"It took a lot of courage for Sam to do what ‘e did. He could’ve kept quiet but that isn't ‘is way. Another thing he told me, if I wanted to, he would accept any transfer I recommended."
"Good transfer him back to his precious Hyde."
"What part of shut up do you not comprehend Smythe." Gene snarled, "You know as well as I do ‘e can never return to Hyde now even if he wanted to, which BY the way he doesn't. Also he told me that it shouldn’t be my decision alone whether he stays ‘ere or not. Told me that since this affected all of us, that each and every one of you should ‘ave a say on if he stays or goes." He paused, letting the team take in what he was saying for a moment, “As for ‘is leavin’, he only went down to Lost and Found to await our decision. Now, I'm goin’ there, ‘ave someone come and get us when you’ve decided." He got up and started walking towards the door, before turning to look back at them, “One more thing, no matter what went down ‘ere Sam did not, and I repeat did not, deserve most, if not all, of the comments that were made."
With that said Gene shoved the doors open so hard that people on other floors could mistake it for an earthquake.
Meanwhile down in Lost and Found, Sam kept telling himself that he deserved whatever happened and from the reaction from the team started to wonder if he would have to pack up his belongings in front of everyone or if Gene would let him come back later tonight to collect them. He was so deep in thought he didn't hear Gene come in.
"Didn't take them long to decide. When do you want me out of here?"
"Puttin’ the cart before the horse aren't yer. They’re just now startin’ to talk."
"Gene, you know as well as I do what the decision will be. Ray will make a good DI."
"I don't want a good DI Tyler I want the best which by all accounts ‘appens to be you."
"Thanks Guv, but I think we both know how this is going to turn out."
"No you're wrong. They may be upset an’ angry now but I know ‘em. Not sayin’ some of ‘em won’t want you gone, not everyone likes your nancy ways” Gene chuckled trying to lighten the mood, “but, they’re a good team, don't give up your flat anytime soon. I bet a tenner on it."
Meanwhile back in A Division.