Looking For Fic Recs

Aug 29, 2010 02:26

I just finished watching the show on DVD, and am reading through the most-rec'd fanfic.  I've got most of the way through the greatest hits, I think, and now there are a few specific types-of-things I'm looking for.  If you have any recs in these areas, I'd greatly appreciate it:

1. Gene in 2006.  I made this request on my own LJ and was rec'd this and this, and I also found my own way to a couple more of lozenger8's that deal with Gene In The Future.  Who else has done something good with this trope?

2. Gene and Sam (any other characters OK too) in some time period other than 1973 or 2006.  I'm thinking mainly of something where 1973!Gene and 2006!Sam end up in some third time period somehow, but AUs where one/the other/both of them originate in some other era may be OK too.

3. This is the hard to describe one.  I'm after Sam/Gene slash (or slashy gen) where they are IC but also show each other some tenderness.  This fic by Bistokids is the one that brought to my attention this particular kink button.  Her fic is sort of poking gentle fun at the trope of emo!Sam who just wants a hug while Aggressive!Gene is cuffing him to the bed and giving him a good rogering, and I don't exactly want the straight (as in non-parodic, not het) version of that, but more something where their relationship is characterized by the sort of rough-and-tumble that canon would suggest--Gene being much more like to communicate affection through a hearty slap on the ass than roses and flowers--but punctuated by occasional moments where they're a little more gentle with each other.  Know what I mean?

Gen, slash, or canon-level het please for requests 1 and 2 (I don't care for graphic het, but fics that acknowledge Gene's marriage or Sam and Annie's whole will-they-won't-they deal are OK).

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

recommendations, pairing: sam/gene

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