Title: A little tart
Author: fawsley
Characters: Sam/Gene
Warnings: daft pink kink
Rating: blue Cortina
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: All the property of the BBC and Kudos
Summary: Sam has a need, a longing...
Notes: Just found this in my fic folder but have no memory of why I wrote it. It feels like it was probably for a prompt somewhere but no idea what or when. Very silly, but then it's the end of the weekend so I needs silly.
A little tart
‘My mouth’s watering just looking at it…’
‘My eyes’re watering thinking about you wrapping that pouty little gob of yours around it.’
‘Going to run my tongue all the way up… And all the way down…’
‘Shut up Sam or I’ll force it down your throat!’
‘Just savouring the anticipation. Don’t get to taste quality like this very often. So long, so thick, so very pink…’
‘Sounds like you’re yammering on about a stick of Blackpool rock!’
‘Or your great big cock…’
‘Huh! My cock’s far classier and doesn’t need dipping in sugar first. You and your raw rhubarb fetish...’