Title: For the times they are a-changin’
Author: iwant2believe2
Rating: White Cortina, angsty
Pairing: Gene/Sam
Spoiler’s: Ashes to Ashes episode 1
Summary: Gene examines his life and his wardrobe at the beginning of 1980.
Beta: A billion thanks to
dragonlit for being a brilliant beta!
Author's Note: This is my very first story with this fandom and this community. I've been a very long time reader and admirer of you all and with a slight prodding from a friend I thought I could attempt something of my own (though completely terrified now that I'm uploading it). Perhaps I'll write here again because I love Gene and Sam but they are daunting figures in terms of voice and getting characterization correct. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Gene Hunt stared at himself in the mirror.