Title: The Art of Being Lost and Found (25/?)
Author: dak
Word Count: 1881 (this part); (36,336 in total, so far)
Rating: blue cortina
Warnings: none here
Summary: Post 2.08. When the Guv goes missing, CID is saddled with an inept "interim" DCI. To find Gene, and the truth, Ray must team up with a hated enemy.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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Comments 24
Thank you!
I loved the letter and I really didn't like the nasty guard. How can you not check on people when they're shouting for help? Even if they're not attacked, just because the experience they're going through isn't really, it doesn't mean the fear isn't. How can anyone just ignore another human being in pain? Especially when you're employed to help these people!
Sorry, I know I'm ranting at fictional characters, but that just means that you did your job properly when you managed to evoke emotions like that.
In Joe's defense, he's probably desensitized to all that pain. He's sees it day in and day out and it's just means nothing to him now.
*Takes off hat*
I'd never ignore Sammy if he were screaming. I cuddle him tight and never let go...
Thank you!
I'd love to get Sam out but the angst monkeys are very much against it.
“Tyler, you bastard,” he sneered and shook his head. As he rose, he caught sight of Bresson’s bedside table. Deciding it couldn’t hurt, he reached for the other drawer, pulling it out in one fluid motion. Setting the second drawer aside, Ray again reached inside, tapped his hand against the bottom, and immediately felt paper. He quickly pulled out two slips of paper, folded in half together, and opened them to see “Dear Mr. Hunt” across the top.
“Tyler, you beauty,” he smiled as he started to read the letter.
How easy he changes his mind. ; )
Thank you!
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