Title: The Art of Being Lost and Found (20/?)
Author: dak
Word Count: 1715 (this part); (28,134 in total, so far)
Rating: blue cortina
Warnings: none here
Summary: Post 2.08. When the Guv goes missing, CID is saddled with an inept "interim" DCI. To find Gene, and the truth, Ray must team up with a hated enemy.
A/N: In this chapter - answers! Well, at
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You know what, you actually have me guessing if maybe Sam is at least a little bit crazy. I mean why else would he still be seeing the evil, very evil test card girl? As Sam mentioned, there was not even a tv near by. Hm?
Errm... of course he's a little bit crazy. He's been a little bit crazy almost since the beginning of the show... Seriously, was there ever any doubt about that? o.O
The question is just whether his particular kind of craziness can/should be treated by measures as drastic as the ones here depicted.
@dak: Ouch. - You know, I'm currently writing a thesis about a comic called Finder. The comic is set in a far future that has mostly forgotten about our present, let alone earlier times - but the people of that future have a strange obsession with randomly resurrecting certain, isolated aspects of past cultures. So, in medicine, they have a fad called 'modern medievalism'. ECT kind of reminds me of that. The author of the comic says, about 'modern medievalism', that the line between punishment and cure gets kind of blurred there...
Thank you!
*checks Sam!torture list*
Thank you!
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