Title: Alcohol and Witches' Hats Don't Mix.
acidpenguin46Characters: Sam/Gene, Phyllis, PC Terminal (OC)
Rating: Brown Cortina (NC-17)
Word Count: 2,471
Warnings: crack, drunkeness, masturbation, sexual fantasies involving kinky, bondaged, rough (though consensual) sex.
Summary/Prompt: Phyllis, handcuffs, a witches' hat. Sam learns that it might not be the best idea in the world to go home alone when you have had a bit too much to drink.
Disclaimer: None of it is mine, I just like to borrow them from Aunty Beeb and Kudos.
Notes: Sorry it's a bit late, I had a uni assignment due today that wouldn't cooperate. All errors are mine, and hope you enjoy!
Alcohol and Witches' Hats Don't Mix (cut to my journal)