"Hospital Visit" Sam/Gene Fluffy-crack!fic PG13 300 Words

Sep 03, 2008 15:09

Title: Hospital Visit
Fandom: Life On Mars
Pairing: Sam/Gene
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 300
Notes: In THIS MEME, candesgirl gave me the following challenge: I challenge you to write a bit of cracky fluff somewhere you'd typically write angsty porn. This is the result, and possibly the clearest demonstration possible of why I should NEVER write fluff or crack. Thanks to hllangel for saving me from making it bad!fic as well.
Spoileriffic for the least episode of the series.

Summary: Gene in the hospital. Sam in a dress.

Yellow Brick Road leads back to my LJ

genre: crack, character: sam, pairing: sam/gene

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