Aug 02, 2008 19:36
Okay, so I was watching 2x03 today and in the opening scene Sam hears the radio and the television talk about the state of Sam's health:
Radio Doctor: The mind is a fragile thing. Who's to say what's been damaged? Maybe not cognitive skills, but other things. His sense of judgement, what do you think?
Telly Doctor: There's no evidence to suggest any decline. What are you basing your theory on, guesswork?
Radio Doctor: No, Doctor Matthews, it's called instinct.
Radio Doctor is Dr. Morgan. What do you think is the significance of Morgan backing instinct here instead of facts? The theme of the episode is Sam learning to trust his instincts again. Is this Sam's subconscious telling him, in a roundabout way, to trust Morgan? Any other thoughts/theories?
(Sorry if this seems somewhat small and superficial. As part of my ficathon assignment I'm trying to understand Frank Morgan, and picking apart scenes like this is as good a way as any.)
bizarre ramblings