3 Works in Progress that bring out your need to use the pokey stick...

Apr 30, 2008 21:41

Today's topic is - 3 Works in Progress that bring out your need to use the pokey stick. This can also be "3 fics that were works in progress that warranted use of the pokey stick, but that are now finished, yay!"

Please copy and paste the following template into a new comment (if you're reccing more than one, obviously, paste it a few times):

title of fic by [insert creator name]
Why I recommend this fic:

Remember, you can rec the same fic as someone else, either by commenting to their comment with why you like that same fic, or still using it in your own comment. You can make recs within any category during the fortnight and for the rest of May. You are, however, limited to three recs within any specific topic. Yes, I am pointing at you, cheaty mccheat!

vicfarmer recced:

Jabberwocky by sytaxia
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Red Cortina and it is this for a reason people, Sam/Gene, Sam/Annie, Ray/Chris and Sam/Maya.
Why I recommend this fic: The complexity and intensity of this piece of writing is astonishing. It has a fascinating, intriguing and involved plot and with each new twist you want desperately to find out more. And the depth and detail in the personal relationships is just as astonishing. Quite frankly sytaxia could carry on writing this forever and it still wouldn’t be enough for me.

Also recced by scotschik, who said: Both fantastically written, and gripping, I get giddy wheneven either appears on my flist.

Also recced by draycevixen, who said: Because it is an epic and brain twisting roller coaster ride that makes me think of those old plate spinning acts.

Also recced by nepthys_uk, who said: I love the depth of characterisation (not just Sam and Gene, but Systaxia does justice to all of the other characters, too), and the plot is brilliantly gripping, alternating between Sam's surreal nightmares and police procedural twists. I love it!

Riding the Dragon by ausmac
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Red Cortina for drug abuse
Why I recommend this fic: A very dark subject matter that is explored in a realistic and therefore painful way. Intense, raw and utterly fascinating. Seeing the characters deal with this situation is enthralling and I can’t wait for further chapters.

Also recced by scotschik, who said: Both fantastically written, and gripping, I get giddy wheneven either appears on my flist.

Also recced by draycevixen, who said: This is a really interesting play off of the Starsky & Hutch The Fix episode. I put it on my “pokey stick” list before Mac recently started posting new chapters. I’m leaving it on my list, just in case. :D

Also recced by time_testudinem, who said: The first two chapters were good, but the last two have me enthralled, and excited to see what happens next.

Steady as she Goes by dakfinv
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Blue Cortina, angst, swearing, violence, violent imagery, minor drug use, mild sexual situations, self-harm for whole, pairings are mild Sam/Annie, Sam/Maya, Gene/missus, Sam/OC
Why I recommend this fic: This is finished but while it was being posted I checked faithfully every day for a new chapter and was always wanting the next part to appear as quick as possible. If you like your fic long, with an intricate and involving plot, realistic dialogue and character development and more then this is for you. A truly epic piece of work and it is an incredible achievement.

draycevixen recced:

Yellow Ribbon by constance_b
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Green Cortina, shifting to Brown.
Why I recommend this fic: I loved London Calling and went to look at her other work. This has been a WIP progress for a long time. I read the first part and it looks really good, but I’m gun shy about fiction that I’m not sure will be finished. Strangely enough, the more I think I’m going to like it, the more gun shy I am.

Also recced by ducky_one, who said: I love constance_b's writing and if you haven't read this series you really should.

space_oddity_75 recced:

Life After Death by freefalling85 (this takes you to part 1, the other links can be found at the bottom of each page)
Rating/Notes/Warnings: green cortina; spoilers for 2x08; character death
Why I recommend this fic: I hope you all remember this WIP. It gives a different ending to 2.08 and the characterization is fabulous. Sam's actions have consequences for everybody and I can't wait to read where this is going...

duckyone recced:

Starry Night by rainer76
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Brown cortina - M-rated - for violence, language, disturbing images, gen
Why I recommend this fic: I love rainer76's stories because they are always detailed and involving and like little mini episodes that draw you in. This is a crime story involving the team investigating a string of arsons. It also has a former member of CID coming back with the intention of getting his old job back as Gene's DI. Where does that leave Sam when the former DI decides to investigate Sam's background.

Also recced by wesseling, who said: I absolutely love "The Maker"! So I hope Starry Night will be finished sometime in the near future.

Accidentally by serafina20
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene
Why I recommend this fic: This is very twisty fic that explores the possibility that Sam Williams is real and that Sam Tyler has actually wound up in his body. Or maybe, Sam Tyler is the split personality. It has a wonderfully twisted backstory for Frank Morgan and Sam Williams and everytime I see an update I get very excited.

Also recced by wesseling.

Also recced by time_testudinem, who said: I want to start with a HUGE second of Accidentally. That was actually the story that inspired me to suggest this catagory (on the theory that a bunch of new positive comments might make a writer fall back in love with a story). It is also, while not the first ever LoM fic I read, was the first one I read after I had watched an episode, and definately the one that made me seek out this wonderful com. Worth reading even in its half finished state.

time_testudinem recced:

Hatchling by infraredphaeton
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Green-Blue Cortina
Why I recommend this fic: A very believable gen 2006 fic, and there aren't enough of either.

odiscordia_89 recced:

You're Not Giving Me Things to Read by beautybecks
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Intended for NC-17 overall, but PG-13 for the parts written.
Why I recommend this fic: I have a soft spot for pre-slash, and the characters that beautybecks created are so adorable in their innocence. While it is totally AU and fluffy in a lot of ways, it still occasionally strikes a dark chord which resonates with me. For pure cuteness with young!Sam and gene, this is the way to go, and I'm STILL waiting for the rest!

Also recced by ilovedoyle, who said: The coolest schoolAU! I LOVE her version of them both as teenagers, especially Gene, with his Barrowman love!!

ilovedoyle recced:

Wine and Candles by dorsetgirl
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Blue Cortina,
Why I recommend this fic: It’s a Buddy Cop Candlelight Dinner challenge fic, and in typical DG fashion its brilliantly written!

Vegetarian Option by lm_jillybean
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Green Cortina, Humour/Romance. It's light, it's fluffy, it's sexy. Don't take it seriously, whatever you do.
Why I recommend this fic: I really like this. It appears to be gen - or at least het fic in the form of Sam/Annie & Gene/Missus, but is very well written, and would fit remarkably well into canon, because although it often comes over as gen, and gives us hints of the possible het pairings, there are so many slashy undertones, that all I do is look forward to the next part, hoping that THIS BIT will be when the sam/gene finally comes to the fore!

wesseling recced:

Lost Boys by amy_wolf
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Green Cortina
Why I recommend this fic: I think her take on the whole Tyler/Williams case is unique.

nepthys_uk recced:

The Good, The Bad, and The Easily Bribed by fanfic_whore
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Brown Cortina (although the 3 parts posted are Green Cortina at the most)
Why I recommend this fic: The 3 parts which have been written are really promising in terms of plot, and I loved her Sam & Gene (with hints of slash developing). Sadly, fanfic_whore hasn't made an lj entry since last August, so it doesn't look as though this will be finished.

Dreamland by quod_scripsi
Rating/Notes/Warnings: Blue Cortina (Sam/Gene)
Why I recommend this fic: LoM as a graphic novel! I think this is creative and inventive, and I love the noir style and atmosphere quod_scripsi achieves here. The plot is also shaping up nicely, and I’d really love to see more of this at some point!

mikes_grrl recced:

Randy (1/?) by ausmac
Rating/Notes/Warnings: No pairings, not yet, but one can hope; this part kinda White Cortina
Why I recommend this fic: Funny! Hints of sexiness! Gene and his fabulously queer younger brother who definately knows a good thing (Sam) when he sees it! Yet Ausmac has left the story hanging and I cry *sob* for more. (Oddly enough, I am not hoping for a threesome here, but some jealous!Gene and Sam fending off the randy Randy...just in case Ausmac is watching this space...). More!

Please keep in mind that I live in Australia and shall therefore likely be asleep whilst many links are posted, so if the post isn't updated straight away, don't worry, it will be!

recommendations fortnight

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