Title: When You Were Young (1/5)
Author: dak
Word Count: 3904 (this part)
Rating: Green Cortina
Warnings: angst, mild swearing
Summary: Sam has an accident, in 1973, that renders him with the mentality of a 4 year old. Will Gene be able to cope?
A/N: Title stolen from The Killers. So, this is for
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Comments 46
can't wait for more. ^_~
This is great, I really like Gene's initial internal struggle - very true to life. And then his realization that without the team, Sam has no one... And the exchange in the gift shop is perfect! Love Mr. Cotton too... : )
Look forward to the rest of it, I take it from the 1 of 3 that it's finished?
Just...just, awwwwwwww! (*cuddles NSL!Sammy and gives him cake*)
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Thank you!
(And, what is your icon from, because that Simm is adorable and I want to hug him...)
Oh no, another fic growing out of control. Whatever shall we do? < /deadpan>
Hey, Sammy! Look at the cute 'lil bunnies! I'm sure your Aunty Dak would love it if you brought more in to play with her! =D
And the sheep! Awwwwwww, that's so cute. Gotta love plushy toys. ♥
More soon, please. Your angsty!Sam stories are addictive.
Thank you!
I am hoping that instead of being the result of brain damage, Sam's current state has something to do with his personality being jolted back to the 4 year old that he actually is in 1973. His physical body has been wracked by so many traumas that his mind, soul, whatever you want to call it, is out of phase with exactly where it is supposed to be. But this is only because I want him to get better quickly and having his adult mind snap back into his adult body is so much easier than trying to recover from a severe head trauma.
I love how you write Gene in your stories. He is gruff, pig-headed and obstinate but he always ends up caring. I hope you continue the theme with this one.
I am hooked and can't wait for the next chapter.
He can't if he's currently being brainwashed/chained up under my desk. I mean, erm, yeah. I, uh, I better watch out... (for Gene at least.)
Thank you!
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