Title: I Wish I Could Go Back
ailette Pairings: Sam/Gene
Fandom: Life On Mars
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Life On Mars does not belong to me. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Summary: “Maybe you knew a different Gene Hunt, huh, Sam.”
Warnings: Spoilers for LOM 2x08, A2A 1x01 (and somehow 1x07)
Word Count: 1,459
Author’s Note: A really persistent plot bunny bit in the middle of A2A 1x07. So I had to write it down before even finishing the episode. It's also my first fic in the LOM fandom. Yay! ^^
jayb111 who has to be the best Beta I could have ever wished for in this fandom. Thanks again!
Alex sighed.