Vote on this plot bunny...but beware, the bunny has teeth.

Feb 29, 2008 16:54

In my last comment to 
dakfinv  's   amazing fic The Kept Man  , I mentioned that all the hints about the kinds of psychological mind frelling Warren used on Sam to so completely distort his core personality had me really wanting a prequel that would cover the period when Sam wakes up in 1973 to the beginning of her current story.

This was her response:

If people would be willing to read a prequel, I'd definitely be willing to write it, once this is all finished of course. Though, it would be very angsty and very dark, with probably some red cortina moments, so as long as people were able to put up with that...

Now I like stories that explore the dark side of my favorite characters and if you do too and would like to see this bunny get fed, comment here.

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