Jul 11, 2003 21:49
So week 2 is over. This has been a crazy two weeks at CAB (Camp Addisone Boyce). My fellow lifeguards are really crazy. Steven brought a radio in because Bonnie kept forgetting. So after we'd been using Steve's radio for two days, she brings her's in. So of course Rob made fun of her. Rob makes jokes about everybody. He name he gave last years director is Cake Face. He still makes fun of her all the time. He talks about how her face would melt off because she would put on soooo much make up. Oh and Steve's camp name is Nemo...he didn't pick that himself, his sister did. That must suck...having to work with your sibling. Anyway...when the kids get annoying, we tell them to go find Nemo. And the other day Rocky Ledges decided that his name is really Bob. So they scream "Hi Bob!!!!" whenever they see him. But then it gets confusing because Adventurers has a glove filled with water that is now their counselor named Bob.
Week 1 - We had about 85 kids. One of the units, Dabblers, had the canoeing theme. Yeah, so their counselors had tipped they canoe twice withing the first 3 days. It ended up being a really crazy week and I was so relieved when Friday came along and we had the day off for that stupid holiday called the Independence Day. I am sooooo not patriotic. I realized that if you were to ask me to recite the Pledge, I wouldn't be able to do it. I haven't said it in about 4 or so years, and I have actually started to forget the words. Oh well. One day during opening flag ceremony Sara (Aqua) made a comment about the pledge and how we're forced to say it because of the government and stuff. So then Rob (Dale) says, "Ugh and the same thing with the Girl Scouts and the promise". He was just joking around, but he said it in a funny way. Anyway, I was happy when the week ended.
Week 2 - It rained...and rained. It rained almost everyday. On Wednesday afternoon it started to pour. So some of us went inside. The Program Aides and Skittles (the PA Director) decided to run and dance in the rain. All the other units went off to their sites, and Rob put on music and turned it up loud. He then grabbed the mega phone and started singing. Then when Piano Man started, he took the mega phone, went outside under a tree and sang while the PA's danced. Sara and Suzie had gone to the nurses office to smoke and me, Steve, and Adam were inside on the waterfront porch laughing. During another song, he grabbed the broom and pretended to play guitar. He rain around outside like that. We were laughing so hard it hurt. Wednesday and Thursday waterfront hung out with the PA's. Rob had a dance contest with Sophia, a gymnastics competition with one of the other girls...Suzie and Adam also participated. Suzie was good. And Adam...he did a cartwheel into a table. Rob also had a cheerleading competition with Tonya. We also had a game of Limbo. Skittles won. I think we were all hurting from laughing too hard after that. And then there was today. It started with bus 5 breaking down and coming 45 minutes late. It was cold so we decided not to open the waterfront. We headed up to Deer Run and split them into 2 teams and had a hula hoop contest with them. They loved it. They were sooooo good at it. Then we headed over to Hi Tor and did the mummy wrap thing. They was toilet paper everywhere. Then we headed down to the Wood Shelter to do stuff with Adventurers. On the way we stopped at Arts and Crafts to get lanyard and stuff for ourselves. Then we did another hula hoop contest. Everybody sucked at it so we went to get jump ropes and did that instead. We ended up staying there for 2 hours. Groups would just come and play and hang out. It was fun. Rob was actually better at jump roping that most of the kids, which is funny because he's this big, tall football player guy.
This has been a wild two weeks and now I have to work at the town pool this weekend. I am soooooo tired.........