I must be behind the times or something. It never even occurred to me as a possibility that the Mormons might own such a sizable company. I think that made this all the more amusing for me.
I've just heard this whole Mormons + Soda thing so often that I specifically went looking to disprove it. One google search found me what I wanted. I don't "cruise" snopes... pretty much ever. :)
I can't tell you the number of times I've had to send people there after they sent me some well-meant but utterly inane spam email containing something to hyperventilate about. Ah, Internet.
Augh, I do not get chain letters. I do not make friends or keep connections with people who forward me shit. I don't send them to Snopes, I send them to the sixth layer of hell.
I should probably cruise snopes.com more often, but don't.
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