Feb 10, 2010 20:06
So, I have an exam on Friday in Discrete Mathematics, A.K.A Insano-mathematics, which is my online class that I had been slacking off on. I am hardcore studying up unto that point. Will it be good enough? We Shall See....
Trying to reconcile the fact that to get the anime club to megacon for the whole weekend will currently run 1000 dollars, and that we have about that left in our budget and several other events in planning.... HM. Something may have to give. Not-a really sure what at the moment.
Need to fill out Apps for NASA and Mote. Decided to pass on MBARI for the year cause I have other stuff I wanted to do this summer and OH YEAH the deadline passed before I realized it, hahaha. The latter being the more commanding reason. Got the paperwork for the Bahamas. Trying to go to a Ghana meeting to see if that is theoretically doable, because I am crazy. And, oh yeah, totally looking to see how completely insane it would be to change to a CS/BIO double major cause Dr. Z showed me around the CS computer lab and told me he would like me to do an independent study with some of the stuff. THEY HAVE A ROBOT ARM. A very small one, but hey, it is a robot arm you can move via the internet, I don't care past that. Probably won't add on the extra 1 to 2 years though. I am many things, but not THAT stupid.