Jan 20, 2010 00:43
Slept in today. I got up at 6:30 am. OOOoooh, I know right. Crazy. No time for breakfast, though. Bugger there.
Had to run to the student union before class to get a purchase order form, but did not have enough to get breakfast then either before running to analytical chem. I should back up a tick here. I received an email from the Office of Multicultural Studies that as part of Peace Week they will be screening the feature film version of Death Note and wanted to know if the Anime Club wanted to cosponsor the event and provide food for the event. If you know anything about anime then I am sure you either had a spit take or a minor seizure in hearing the oxymoron that is Death Note and Peace Week, but yeah, they seem to think that makes sense. I don't care, really. It is a good movie and a free event for the club.
Anyway, Analytical Chem. That went well. We had board problems on these statistics concepts and they are easy enough to do, but the boards are set up with 1 and 6 already written in and 3-5 given their problems to just write the answer on their own boards. For some reason it did not occur to people to group at the boards that would concur with sequential counting and so while in group 3, I was at what would have been the board for group 5 because counting is just too much effort. The other issue here was that the guy that got the sheet with our problems had a significant problem letting anybody else in our group see the problem. Like, he had it on top of my book on the counter toward him and had read it completely, so the three of us in the group who hadn't read it shifted in the direction that ALL three of us could read it while he looked at his notes. While we were clearly STILL reading it, he decided he was ready to work on the problem and shifted it away from us without even thinking to ask or be polite, I don't even know. So, I am forced to try to do the calculations while reading all the data points upside down, and then the dude finishes a step first and expects us to be done when none of us can actually read the paper. It was annoying, anyway.
I apologize for being long-winded today, but I am in the talky mood I suppose. Analytical Chem continued with titrations, which are easy enough to do. Erin and I were in awesome synch in choosing end points, so that worked out well. Joanne would have done a lot better if not for her lab partner. I am really starting to hate her lab partner. She would not stop trying to tell Erin and I how to do what we were doing or when we reached endpoint or if we hadn't it and it is just like SHUT UP AND DO YOUR OWN THING, seriously. If I wanted your constant advice I would ask for it or smack you, I don't know really. Even when I talked to Joanne about stuff we were doing, she would cut in with soooo very unhelpful stuff. Not even trying to be helpful, but failing, cause I would appreciate that attitude. No, she is just a complete jerk, really.
Still, talked with Dr. D about this Summer NASA program that I am thinking of signing up for. They only take 29 students in the country, but it would be really cool and there is no harm in trying, right? I would get to do research work on the aerial lab that NASA uses. Kind of awesome.
After Chem, I had to deal with the purchase order, and thaaaat was hell. They forced me to buy food from Aramark, and I hate Aramark, but crunch time is crunch time and I had no choice. Overall, I think I got a good selection of stuff, but it was an insane trial to get that ordered and get the purchase order filled out and signatures and account numbers and calls and voice mails. It seriously took me more than an hour of running myself ragged to, in effect, order 5 pizzas, cookies, and soda. College Bureaucracy at work, people.
Had lunch at Miller's with Erin and Hannah. Cheap lunch is gooooood. Dollar Ice Cream Day!
Anthro of Food started slow cause Dr. M had to go over the magical concept that all science is based on theory and what evidence exists and thus must recognize that all evidence might not be and more often than not is likely complete. Considering that Physical Anthropology and Archaeology are based on the Fossil and Archaeological Records both of which are inherently incomplete, you would think this to be an accepted concept in the field, but no, so that filled the first part of class. Then Dr. M lectured about Nutrition, which was like... Casey don't blather about physiology in my mind, but I did good...ish. I did explain Surface Area to Volume as it pertains to the metabolic rate and caloric intake of animals of varying sizes, sure. When asked how to define a calorie scientifically, I may have immediately and boisterously blurted out that it was the energy required to raise 1 liter of water 1 degree, yes. And I may have spurred a lengthy discussion of Umami as a adaptation for the sensation of glutamate, right, well, I did sort of good. Then we watched a movie! Which I set up! Cause neither Dr. M or Lance could manage to get media player to do so, and I got PowerDVD to work. Anime Club, man, all tech problems happen, and I can solve them all.
OK. After class, I checked to see if the purchase order had gone through. Of course no, but I was assured that it would be alright. Goodness knows. I set up food for the crabs and checked salinities and then thought I would see if Dr. K was in his office, so I could ask him about that paid internship that never happened. Well, he was most certainly in his office and as I learned as I opened the door, so was Dr. Erdman and "Dr. Frederickson" (an alias that Dr. Wilson introduced herself as). Shockingly enough they were all enjoying copious wine. I love my professors and the faculty of this school, SO much. Not because of the drinking specifically, I do not care about alcohol, but because they drink together in their offices and are just completely ridiculous and wonderful people. So, of course, Dr. K had heard nothing in regard to the internship, and I spent a good two hours laughing hysterically as we/they discussed various things, stories were regaled involving hot tubs, and cheese, and salami and oh gods. Dr. K told Dr. Erdman to go fuck himself. Dr. Erdman gave Dr. K the finger. It. Was. Epic. And. Amazing. Dr. Wilson is also incredibly hilarious, nice, and awesome, but she teaches mostly pre-med stuff (though originally she said she taught english and communications, "I am not associated with these guys. I teach at Edison."), so I probably won't have her. There was just SO much I could go on about in regards to the ridiculousness and greatness I beheld there tonight. I did gratifyingly hear how awesome I was in Dr. K and Dr. Erdman's explanation of me to Dr. Wilson. "Reason for living" was used. Yes, they are crazy, and it is just too cool.
Home. Food. TV. None of much needed homework done. Procrastination Ahoy!