Feb 10, 2012 10:10
Today I will work at the Guthrie's front desk as concierge. It looks like it will be a slow day so I'll take my iPad with me as well as something to read.
I know I'm at least as aware as some of the other volunteers because they don't watch the side or back doors. We're supposed to greet everyone and I do pretty well at that. Serving as concierge is a diversion and I still get credit to get tickets for the plays or tours. So far if people had to pay face value of the tickets I've given away more than $1,000 and this makes me feel good that I can share with others.
Now I've applied 6 different places for being paid for work so if I get one of those I won't volunteer at the Guthrie as much. But I will say I really enjoy being at the Guthrie.