Mar 07, 2012 22:23
Absolutely not. To think otherwise is absurdly naive or perhaps just a failure to grasp what love is.
Love is not just getting butterflies, missing someone when they're away, thinking about them all the time, doing nice things for them, smiling until your cheeks hurt and wanting to spend your life with them. Yes, all those things are a part of love and all those things can happen very, very quickly. Love is so, so much more than that though.
How would you feel if they got horrible diarrhea in your bathroom? Told you the worst thing they've ever done (and had it be genuinely bad?) Will your feelings be the same if they're gone for a significant period of time? Would you give them access to your checking account and take out a joint credit card with them? Do you trust them enough to take out a life insurance policy with them as the sole benefactor and then let them have medical power of attorney over you? What if they have to live in a place you hate? Do you trust them with all your secrets? Your inner thoughts? Do you trust and respect them enough to not fake an orgasm? Would you let them know if you had hemorrhoids? Would you give them a kidney right now if they needed it? Are you sure you want this person to have 50% input in the raising of your future children? Are you going to stay with them if they can't have children? What about if they become disabled and need you to care for them? Are you willing to stick around through the rough years when the idea of something else seems more appealing? What are their answers to all these questions concerning you? Is it wise to fall for this person? Because yes, that matters. And, no, this is not an all inclusive list.
I feel so lucky to have found love. =)
writer's block