Sunshine and fairies...

Jan 27, 2009 16:21

Well hello there dearest of dears, how are you all?
I know a lot of you are stressing out at the moment, recession and degrees and jobs (or lack thereof) and all that.

Recently i've fallen into the trap of stressing way too much about final year at uni and graduating and finding a job and letting everything get on top of me, and I realised that i'd lost sight of the big picture again. I miss being the happy, cheery, bumble-along Zoe I once was, she made much more sense than the frazzled, panicky, stressed-out Zoe who has somehow swapped bodies with her. Out out! I say to frazzled Zoe! She has forgotten everything important and cannot see the wood for the trees. The only reason I wanted to be a biologist in the first place was to try cure diseases and help people, and i'm fairly sure that my abilities and any chances I might have to help people be happier and healthier will not suddenly crumble away into dust if everything doesn't quite go according to plan in the next few months. Indeed, there are many options available to a Zoe if she stops being so panicked. Cheery Zoe is clearly better adapted for dealing with this, so I have to go find her again. It was so much easier, and did make people happier than the stressed Zoe.

So, I have sort of new year resolved to stop thinking thoughts such as

"Oh damn it, it's later than it should be, I have so much to do, I can't get it done, i'm going to fail and die, fail and die, fail and die..."

when I wake up in the morning, and instead replace those thoughts with -

"Yay! I woke up again! How fantastic, aren't I lucky? Now I can go about my day and interact with people I love and enjoy my lectures and labwork which I do find fascinating anyway and try make the world a better place second by second"

and then I can celebrate every day I wake up, because there's no guarantee i'll be lucky enough to wake up the day after. And, all those random clothes that i've acquired over the years for 'special occasions'? I'm going to wear them now, today, tomorrow, the day after, etc. Every day is officially a special occasion because I woke up and was physically and mentally able to pick clothes and get dressed and not be starving or cold or ill or blown up. Or I might wear my worst clothes, and not care about messing them up. Either way, i'm going to enjoy it, and look ridiculous every day, but it'll be fun.
I used to be cheerier, and i've had a term or two of being less cheery, and now i'm reverting back. Who's with me?

Yes, the world sucks, but getting depressed and stressed about it is not going to help anyone, so, this year is time to get our asses in gear, sort ourselves out, look after our friends and neighbours (both literal neighbours and worldy across continent neighbours who we've never contacted but we care about anyway) and realise that whilst we might not be able to save the world by ourselves in one go, we can save little bits of world in our own small ways.

Most importantly, I have made myself feel a little less stressed by procrastinating from the piles of work, and posting on LJ...

Well, be happy dudes and dudettes!

p.s No, i'm not on any crazy mind-altering drugs, I'm just feeling very 'goodwill towards the world and all it's inhabitants'y.
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