Hidden Costs of Exams...

Apr 23, 2008 18:04

Heyalo peeps!
You know, it struck me today after my first exam of this new term (which went well actually, at least I think/hope) that not enough thought is given to the hidden costs of exams.

Chocolate and other snack related expenses dramatically increase, proportional to time spent stressing/revising/procrastinating.
Phone bill increase as calling people when bored of revising and trying to continue the call as long as possible so you don't have to back to revising.
The fact that there is a shop on campus inbetween me and the exam room and so on the way out i'm tempted to buy treats that I don't need, like random cartons of apple and grapefruit juice that I don't even know if I like but seemed like a good idea at the time, so, class that as Random Shop Expenditure.
Internet Shopping bills as you remake friends with Amazon and buy boxsets of things because you're bored and because post will cheer you up even if you had to engineer it yourself.
Paper costs to both me and the environment, thought i'd throw that one in there too, and ink in pens as well, and electricity bills I need to keep the light on way into the night to keep revising, and to keep the laptop going.

... i'm sure there are more, not to mention the stressful emotional costs, lol.
Anyway, my point is that since exams are clearly so bad for your health (all those snacks aren't doing you annnnny good, and nor is having to sit and revise when you could be bouncing around) and finances, why is this obvious form of torture allowed to continue!?
In the future they'll look back on it and be like "Oh my gosh, they used to make people take exams? Sit in a room very quietly and write things 'til their hands hurt?" in the same way we say "Oh my gosh, they used to think slavery was ok with all the whipping and the degradation etc?"

Well, ok...maybe they won't, and I suppose they're OK really and they are a useful indicator of academic prowess, but I still don't have to love them.... Although mine are being OK at the moment, although I shouldn't tempt fate and speak too soon.
Anyone else think of more hidden costs to add to my cause?

I hope you are all well and jolly!
Be Happy!
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