Jun 01, 2005 18:54
hey dude(s), i'm kinda not doing anything. should be doing homework, but it's not even 7 yet. soo to waste a bit of timmeee..
Over the weekend i went to Ocean City, it was actually pretty fun. we left on friday, no rush, just kinda left when we wanted, there was a bit of traffic so that was kinda ewish. We didn't eat dinner till 9:30 :-0, but it didn't seem like that late so it didn't matter. umm sat. was better, well it started out real bad cuz i talked to Anthony before we went to bed.. he was in Margate, which is supposely only 10 min away but it took us a lot longer than that both times we went.. yeah so i was all "call me early, i wanna spend all day with you." i kept trying to call him, buutt he had a long night out and forgot his phone in his friend's car. yeah so i didn't get a call from him til like i dunno late afternoon? early evening? he came over by like 7:30, buutt ended up sleeping over and staying later the next day. Val had friends come over too sat. night, and my mom bought everyone drinks smirnoff raspberry, peach something, and coconut rum. there were also jello shots, beer, and regular smirnoff. sooooo it was a very yummy night, everyone was soo drunk. we played quarters and drunk driver. i got some pictures from the trip, i might get them depending on if i wanna show you. :-) i would tell you what happened, but not every story is very clear to me... ha but i know it was funny.
suunnydayy, umm i woke up at 8:30, realized i wasn't sleeping with Anthony and he was on the other bed, so i fixed that problem. But then he tried getting up like an hour later and wouldn't let me sleep even though i went to bed later than him!! so he bothered me until he was searching through my stuff and forced me to go to the beach with him. hmm i dunno, we just kinda hung out, we went to the boardwalk, played some games. i totally beat him at the last minute at racing but the game lied, pinball, motor cycle stuff that was tons of fun, then basketball. he was supposed to "own" me in b ball buutt apparently he didn't do as well. hmm we watched a surf competition, went to toilet water, umm I ATE AN ITALIAN SUB!! haha that has like 3 different kinds of meat in it, it was so yummy. but that's pretty much the only meat i'll eat. Anthony was complaining the whole time "i can't believe you're eating that, i'm gonna eh ew, i'm not gonna like you." OH YEAH I ALSO got the Bury your dead CD FINALLY. my god, i've wanted it since my b day, i think someone was supposed to get it but i dunno. but i finally got it and i'm super excited. it's been almost the only thing i've listened to since sat. umm i got new shoes, Val's other friend came over so we drank again. i didn't wanna get as drunk cuz i wasn't with Anthony soo i only drank beer and smirnoff. they played beer pong, fun to watch, i would probably knock all the cups over. then kings, it was funny. i had to drink when Harvey drank which meant Val had to drink. and we weren't allowed to say the word drink or we had to drink, and we had to take off the "troll" before we drank again if we forgot we had to drink again. by the end i think i had 7 bottles of stuff, wasn't too drunk but i couldn't talk correctly.
Harvey and Tom went on a walk to the beach around 11:30 i guess, i couldn't stay awake anymore so i went to bed. in the morning i hear stories about how they didn't come back till 2:30 cuz they walked all the way to 8th street and we were on 33rd, and they were bare footed. they came back and started drinking again but with Life cereal.
all monday was pretty much filled with traffic. Jenn and I got in the car around 11:45 to go pick up Anthony from margate, we got to margate about an hour and 15 min later. there was sooooo much traffic, it was soo bad. we were i think 2 hours late picking up steve from work so he got his parents to pick him up. i have no idea how long we were in the car, i forget when we got home but it was way way wayy too long.
yesterday hmm, back to school? quite boring. after school went to Anthony's. we played in the pool lol, fun stuff.
today, school again lol. There was a bunny in the construction, Natalie went to go moon it, we all laughed. Nichole, the girl from my gym class got in a fight today. i guess i'll tell the story. Lauren Weber is this real bitch and everyone hates her, well at least i do cuz i used to dance with her. so Lauren decided to tell Nichole and her sister's brothers that Leanna (nichole's sister) that she's been seeing this black kid. apparently the brothers are real assholes so they freaked out on Leanna, plus they were drunk or something so they were yelling louder than they thought. sooo Lauren "RUINED HER FUCKING LIFE" quote -Nichole. yeah it was before homeroom, i'm walking away from Anthony and Chris and Nichole sees Lauren starts yelling in her face. Lauren is like 5'5" and Nichole is such a small girl lol so it was funny seeing her yelling in Lauren's face. the aids went crazy, as soon as they heard cursing they got on their walkie talkies lol. i turned around to see what was happening, one of em got slammed up against a locker then lauren was on top of Nichole on the ground.
i don't wanna get the camera, i'm sorry guys lol i know you were real excited seeing drunk pictures of everyone.
i write too much when i actually write these, i'm sorry if i bore you. i'll leave you with some BURY YOUR FUCKING DEAD!! they have a song that just repeats that, it's funny, but a good song.
When the memory of your smile, makes my head turn the other way.