A return, I hope.

May 17, 2011 14:25

It certainly has been a long time since I've been here and frankly, I can't remember why I decided to leave. I'm not really good at keeping up with these things. My wordpress account hardly ever gets updated either. I just lose patience I guess. I'm hoping to get back into livejournal. I find that the community here is warmer than that of wordpress. I'm not much of a blogger. I don't have much to say because nothing happens in my life but I guess that's because I don't try to make my life very interesting. It's not like I go out of my way to branch out and connect with people. Maybe that's my problem. I think I need to make more close friends. Friends that I don't mind hanging around for hours. So far, I only have one friend that I do that with.

It looks like I need to do a lot of catching up with the people I am friends with on here. I hope everyone is well.
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