The Red Roof Inn in Mecca

Dec 16, 2007 21:15

Yeah, so I guess I have been playing too much "Assassin's Creed," on the PS3 cause I had a dream I ran the Red Roof Inn in Mecca renting rooms out to people on their Hajj. But enough about that. Quick updates--my fucking storage unit got broken into and tons of shit got stolen. I am beyond pissed. I am so over people fucking stealing shit!

I have been sick for my second weekend in a row. Nothing major, maybe just a sinus infection. I just have been sleeping a lot and waking up with several gooey squirrels shoved up my nostrils.

What else? Not much. Still single, still minorly missing whoreface, but at least in least degrading ways than before. And no drunken emails/ims either, which is a good thing. The new condo is great, but it seems like everything that gets fixed leads to a new problem.

OH, I will be getting a dog soon. Her name is currently "fancy" which is the dumbest fucking name ever, so I will change it. I am thinking "Zelda." She was rescued from a puppy mill and is an English bulldog. The catch: she is in Toledo, Ohio. So either myself or my mom is gonna fly up there to get her.

Ok, off to play more Super Mario Galaxy; then I will pass out from the benadryl.

video games, dog, single, condo, sick

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