stupid is as stupid does!

Jul 31, 2012 15:17

This morning i woke up feeling like absolute..crap! My eyes are so droopy, my nose is really stuffed up..ugh i really hope im not getting sick. SO..there is good news and bad news...GOOD NEWS is i had a job interview for doing something im so in love with. a job that i did before kevin and i were together. the bad news..its part time AND about a 45 min drive from my house. UGHHHH i want to scream!!!! Im so close..yet so far.

I would like to take a moment to vent about my sister. A little history lesson on her...she is 27 has 2 kids a 7 year old and a 4 year old. 2 boys Jake(4) and caleb(7). She is divorced from her loser husband...thank the lord.  She cant hold a job for any reason in the book and prefers to be supported by the govenment. So lives a 400 sqft 1 bedroom apartment with the 2 boys and is dating a man 20 years her senior. She is a big big partier, same with the boyfriend.
Lately she has been pawning the kids off every single night of the week except maybe 1 night where she will have them. I dont know why she is doing this. but she has been and i have been on the recieving end of it. They are not the greatest kids and 2 of the meanest boys ever. but they are also a product of their mom. she is the same way. she will cheat steal and lie her way through life as long as she can get something out of it. So my mom is usally the one that gets stuck with the boys and every weekend for the last 4 or so months my mom has had the boys. SO fast forward to this past mom told her she couldnt watch the boys because they were going out of town for the night. So my sister found someone else to take the boys but she had to pick them up early sunday morning. Well my mom called me saturday night to say they were on their way home and not staying the weekend. So sunday comes and my mom calls me who lives 2 miles down the road(my sister lives about 25 min) and asks if she could take emma to dinner with them later that night. So she took emma for a few hours and kevin and i got the garage cleaned and the car cleaned out(yay). Yesterday my sister called me to see how our weekend was and i told it was good mom took emma sunday night to dinner blah blah blha....well she then continues to text my mom saying "oh i was calling you earlier to see how your weekend was becasue i thought you were out of town but now i know you were with i hope you enjoyed and i bet she was never call to do anything with the boys"
It really pisses me off when people feel that they are entitled to things they arent. Who doesnt my sister seriously think she is....ugh it makes me made. She told me on the phone today that she wanted mom to watch the boys sunday so it made her mad when she heard she had emma all day. Emma is with us 24/7 no kidding there. She will no longer stay the night anywheres because she says "no i like my bed and i want to sleep in my own bed" thats cool i did the same thing..but when my mom offers to take her for a few hours ill take it and get things done that its hard to do with her around. I love being around emma she is my buddy, she isnt a bad kid at all and very polite we keep busy and we enjoy our time together. I wish my sister could say the same. I know those boys need her alot more then what time she is giving them. It makes me so mad. Their dad completely walked out of their lives and they dont need their mother doing the same. She leaves them with anyone and everyone as long as she can go out and party with her boyfriend who doesnt like being around them anyways. Its sad.....i hate it for them..i love those 2 boys so much and if my sister keeps doing this to me..i know it will come back to her ten fold.

Now that, that is over....its back to life...
love u all.
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