Name: Becky
Are you over 16?: Yes [ 18 to be exact D: ]
Personal LJ: 13utterfly
Email: inuyasha_1003@hotmail.com
Timezone: Mountain Daylight Time
Other contact: MSN: inuyasha_1003@hotmail.com, deviantART: yume-inc
Characters already in the game: None
How did you find us?: Worldrescue always tells me about the crazy shenanigans that on on here. xD;
Character name: Kuroh Hazama, but is better known as Black Jack
Fandom: Black Jack
Timeline: After Black Jack 21, and “Unexploded Bomb.”
Age: 31
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Seriously skilled doctor/surgeon. He can tackle the most difficult of diseases and surgeries.
How would they use their abilities?: More or less for his own self-gain. Though if he was asked to do something he would comply, but it would come at a pretty high cost. Though it is extremely rare, there have been a case or two where he did not accept the money after a surgery.
Appearance: Black Jack is of average height and fair skinned. A large scar running from the right side of his forehead, between his eyes, and ending on the left side of his jaw is paired with a patch of black skin on the left side of the scar. Another, smaller scar and stitches runs the length of jaw on the right side. Many more scars in similar appearance are scattered around his body, ranging in size. His hair is black with the exception of a large chunk of white on the right hand side. It's about chin length and layered with flicks at the nape of his neck sticking outwards. He has bangs that are just long enough to brush in front of his eyes, which are a reddish-brown color. His attired consists of a dress shirt, shoes, and pants, a vest, blazer, and a cloak-like, floor-length jacket. All of it with the exception of the white shirt is black, and he is hardly ever seen without any of pieces, no matter the weather. The only drop of color in is outfit is a thin ribbon tied around his neck in a large bow.
[For clarification just in case, a picture:
http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m305/inudemi/blackjack.jpg ]
Background/Personality: He's fairly cold and distant towards others, mostly keeping only to himself, and has been like since a very young age. When he was eight, he and his mother were out at the beach and happened across an unexploded landmine. The two were lucky to have survived the blast but suffered severely because of it. Black Jack's mother lost all her limbs while he was torn to shreds. The staff at the hospital thought their case to be hopeless, but Dr. Honma thought otherwise. He was a genius surgeon, who later became Black Jack's mentor, and was able to save him though Black Jack was horribly scarred in the process. He even gained half a black face since the only child who was willing to do the skin graft was half African. His mother, on the other hand, didn't make it and died in the hospital. This left Black Jack parentless since his father ran off with another woman and went overseas.
The next few years were very hard on Black Jack as he had to go through rehabilitation in order to gain back working order of his limbs. Within those years, he began to resent his father for running away and refused to take his mother’s dying words to forgive the man. The fact that he was already distant enough didn't help him make many friends growing up, nor did his intimidating appearance. So from there on, he only continued to distance himself from others, becoming more withdrawn, keeping only to himself most of the time.
Then in his 20's while working at a hospital, there was a patient that was deemed untreatable by his superiors. Black Jack tried to talk to them about it, but they just dismissed him because he was of lower status. That's when he decided to take matters into his own hands and treat the patient himself. In the end he was able to save them, but when his superiors found out they revoked his medical license. From then on, he continued to work as a doctor but did it without the license.
Black Jack and his father never once had anything even close to a relationship at all since he was seven, only contacting him when he needed his medical services. One of the times his father wanted him to give his wife “the most beautiful face in the world” after an accident damaged it. He eventually agreed despite his resentment towards his father, and before the surgery he asked his father if he still loved his mother. His father replied that he did not, but loved his new wife, which ended up costing him. Instead of giving his step mother the most beautiful face, he gave her the face of his deceased mother as revenge on his father.
The only time he ever really showed any emotions besides being distant and cruel was sometime after Pinoko came into his life. She came about as a result of a procedure he did for a fellow doctor. He came to Black Jack one day, requesting some help. A patient of his had a Teratoid Cystoma, or a parasitic twin, and every time a doctor tried to operate everything would go wrong. Black Jack agreed and then requested to do the procedure alone. When the time came to cut out the twin, it ended up having the ability to break into the Doctor’s mind, and prevent him from cutting it out. He managed to make a deal with it to remove it safely and to not harm it or its sister. After the operation he crafted a body proper body for her and helped her though rehabilitation. A year later after he helped rehabilitate her, he introduced the new twin, Pinoko, to her sister. She ended up rejecting Pinoko, wanting nothing at all to do with her. This left Black Jack as the only one to look after her. Though she thinks of herself as his wife, he only thinks of her as a daughter and treats her as coldly as he would anyone else. But in the case where her life is in danger, he does show how much he actually cares. He's not violent by nature, but when the time comes there are no lengths he will not go to in order to save her. Once, a man made the mistake of shooting Pinoko and ended up getting strangled by a chord for it.
Black Jack's relationship with the villain of the story, Kiriko, is a long and complex one. They've known each other for years, but that doesn't mean they always get along. When it comes to work they are mortal enemies, due to their different believes. Black Jack is all for life and saving every patient he has, while Kiriko believes in giving people a peaceful and dignified death. Outside of their medical dealings though, they could be considered very close friends. There are things he normally wouldn't ever do otherwise, but for him he would. While trying to escape from an island, Kiriko took a bullet in order to save Black Jack. Black Jack then refused to leave him behind and then killed the man who shot him in order to go back and get him. He then operated without an anesthetic and on a raft too, just to save his life.
One of the main reasons Black Jack charges such obscene amounts of money for his work, and why he became a doctor, was to take revenge on the five men he deemed contributed to the death of his mother. While he wouldn't kill them, he would make them suffer a great deal as he did when he was a child. For one of the men he planned revenge on, he placed him on an island with 666 buried bombs with a boat on the other side of the island. He said he would cure the guy afterward, but only if he made it to the boat alive.
Have you read up on how the game works?: Yes'm! The guide is called the FlamingFerret and three ways to earn cash is by working, mooching/freeloading, and freelancing!
1st person sample: [Video Feed. A weary-looking man sits on his bed with his elbows placed on his knees, his blazer, jacket, and towel laying next to him. His hair fell into his eyes, hiding most of his expression, but it was clear that he is a little uncomfortable. When you only ever had face to face contact with people, it was safe to say that it is weird to be talking to the guide.]
I'm... I'm not sure what happened or how I got here, but I'm here now and that's all that matters… I hope I'm not the only one who survived, it would be nice to see a familiar face like... [Trailing off, a look of realization appeared on his face and panic showed in his eyes as he suddenly looked up at the camera.]
There's someone I need to find, or at least know if they survived. Her name's Pinoko, and she's about this tall... [He made a hand gesture to show that she was fairly short, about the size of a small child.] She's has four ribbons in her hair and a personality you can't forget. If... If anyone's seen her, let me know as soon as possible. I need to know if she's alright...
[A moment of silence passed before he spoke again.]
There's... another person I'm curious to see if they survived. He goes by the name of Dr. Kiriko. He's a tall, scary looking guy, the type you tell your children to stay away from at the park. If you're still not sure who he is, he used to be a death doctor. He still might be one now if he's here, I wouldn't put it past him.
Though, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't make it. Hell... I'm surprised I did. But then again, he has survived worse. [A slight smirk appeared on his lips, like he was laughing at some kind of joke that only he was in on.]
Well... That's all then. [There was an awkward pause before he leaned forward and turned off the feed.]
3rd person sample: A soft creak of an old rocking chair was the only sound that dared to try and compete with the constant sound of rain hitting the window. The figure sat peacefully, cheek resting on his fist, and watched at the rain fell, remaining mostly hidden due to the dim lighting of the room. Only the occasional lightning outside could provide a sufficient amount of light in the room and allow a view of the person in the chair.
When the sound of an antique phone ringing broke the near peaceful silence, the man didn't flinch or even bother make a move to go pick it up. Instead, he continued to slowly rock in his chair as the phone rang on. It was only when the sound of tiny stamping feet drawing nearer did he finally look away from the window.
“Chenchei,” said the little girl in front of him, her tiny hands set firmly on her hips. “Aren't you gonna answer that?” Black Jack just glanced down at Pinoko, saying nothing. “Must you do this every time the phone rings?!” Her glare worsened as he just continued to sit there. There was an exasperated sigh when she realized he wasn't planning on answering it anytime soon. Eventually there was the click of the answering machine and a voice began to speak. It was the familiar voice of a young woman, frantic as always when she called. She explained how urgent it was and had to do with her brother. Again, same as always. Black Jack wondered if things would ever change. Something told him they wouldn't. Letting out a small sigh, he rose from his chair and pulled his jacket off its back. He tugged it onto his shoulders and headed over to the door, picking up his medical bag along the way.
“W-Wait! What about dinner!? I worked sho hard on it for you!” Pinoko called, talking a few steps towards him.
“Put it in the fridge, I can eat it later.” he simply said. When she opened her mouth to say something more, he stopped her. “And no, you're staying here. I shouldn't be long anyways.” Before she could say another word Black Jack left the house and headed for his car, beginning the long journey of saving a certain someone's ass yet again.
Questions?: I don't believe so~
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yup~