Jul 25, 2005 15:15
Man, I woke up today not as excited as I should have been. I've been in training for the month, and now I've been thrown to the wolves! AA! I'm so worried I'm going to screw up!
I was talking to the girl who trained me, Trinity, and I was telling her how bad my day was Thursday, because I forgot to put these knee bendie machines on. The only thing was I had never been trained, told how to, or when to put them on, and I felt really bad. But Trin told me that I wasn't even supposed to put them on without someone training me. Ha ha. She also cheered me up about the ass that pissed me off all night. :)
I dunno what happened, but my back hurts. I need some ibprofen.
Also I get to see a house today with my stud, we're looking at prices and how nice the houses are. This one is a 3br, and only $675. Not bad.
Have to go, someone is ringing, and Bobbin, hope things will look up for you, and you really did help me with your wise words. Love you babe!