So what am I?

May 16, 2005 13:31

Your Political Profile

Overall: 45% Conservative, 55% Liberal

Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

How Liberal / Conservative Are You?

I'd like to be labeled as an Independant more than anything. This quiz is very black and white, I don't see things this way, but that's okay.

So my mommy is way super better. I skipped youth group wednesday and Chet and I visited the rents. She was dancing in the kitchen, it was adorable. It's like 88 days till I go to Alaska with my family and dream date. I can't wait!

Yesterday for some reason I had figured it was my day off, but I looked at the schedule wrong, so as I was about to leave for my first fishing trip of the year I get called from my boss. I was so upset! I went to work and looked like I could have killed someone. Then I get there and find out we're short a nurse, and I get to work with one 69 year old lesbian that's worthless and a girl who isn't too quick on the uptake and talks the whole time during programs on the TV. I'm trying to study and she's saying, "That's right girl, you tell him what you want....don't be mad.......awwww! Did you hear what he said? Wait, what are they doing? They have to do what now? Huh? .......I don't understand." It's rediculous. I got better as the night went on though.

Today due to my slight redardation will be the first fishing trip. I'm excited. It rained a whole bunch and Chet didn't want to go if it was raining, so I told him I'd go by myself. That works everytime, we're leaving after he's off work. :) Wish me luck!
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