Chris Williams, co-founder of FanLib, leaves Disney Online

Feb 15, 2012 08:52


"Chris M Williams, VP and general manager of Disney Online Originals, has left the 'Mouse House.'"

"Williams gave up his US-based role on January 31 after four years with the company. Disney reps confirmed the news this week."

"While at Disney, Williams oversaw development and production of series for Disney Online’s websites. He executive produced kids’ series such as Rule the Mix and Corey & Lucas For The Win."

"Williams joined Disney in 2008 when the media giant acquired his two-year-old fan-fiction content group FanLib, which was then rebranded as Take180."

Full article at C21Media; author Jesse Whittock.

FanLib was not actually rebranded as Take180. All FanLib content (fan created and otherwise) was wiped before its servers and software were used by Disney to host Take180, a "fanisode" video hosting site. See the disney buyout tag in this community for the full story -- or at least as much of the story as can be pieced together, since Williams and the other FanLib owners have never commented publicly on what occurred.

This entry was also posted at the Life Without FanLib Community on Dreamwidth.

disney buyout, fanlib: life after death, news: trades

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