May 31, 2007 17:10
There's a pretty LOLarious thread in the forums where everyone is patting themselves on the back for how much more awesome FanLib is than LJ. I guess to FanLib's credit, they didn't actually suspend the bible fic, they just re-rated it to be filtered. Even though it's one of the few (only?) "fandoms" they have that's on totally stable ground, legally. I don't think the prophets are gonna be sending them a C&D any time soon.
Stats compared with a couple days ago:
Harry Potter: Non-adult: 513, was 521. Including adult: 553, was 556. (The number of adult fics does appear to have gone up by a few here, but I wonder if they just got re-rated by admins.)
CSI: Non-adult: 149, I think it was 150? Including adult: 181, was 189.
LOTR: Non-adult: 65, was 86. Including adult: 71, was 92.
fanlib vs livejournal,
fanlib: story stats,
fanlib: dotbombing