Discussion Round-up May 20, 2007

May 20, 2007 20:19

Legal Articles Discussing Fan Fiction
From morgandawn: The legal landscape is shifting. None of us have clear answers or a good handle on possible risks.

"Corporate Rock Still Sucks"...and corporate fanfic even more so
From vulgarweed: Lack of money, career pressures, and recognition under my own name are the reasons why I enjoy fanfic so much. It's a feature, not a bug. It's freedom.

Being Real
From metamiri: It leaves me wishing that we, as female fans, could imagine that we give each other legitimacy (and that we can do that even without finding ways to exploit ourselves better or more efficiently than these men plan to exploit us).

Some thoughts (possibly not widely popular) re: the Fanlib hubub.
From hossgal: I'm not entirely pleased with FanLib either, but it seems I'm unhappy for reasons different than a lot of other folks.

FanLib Dicsussion III; or The Search for FanLib
From telesilla: I did try to come up with ways he [FanLib CEO Chris Williams] could continue the dialog here on LJ so that the LJ portion of the fan fiction community could join in... I've yet to receive an answer from him and by now, I honestly don't expect to.
The comments to this post, some by a FanLib employee, are good reading.

Fandom_lawyers on FanLib
quicksilvereyes asked FanLib: What Are Your Thoughts? in the community fandom_lawyers.
"This could be a case of fandom collectively overreacting and a new company starting off on the wrong foot, but it really doesn't seem like that all.".

How Fanfiction Makes Us Poor
By cupidsbow: Is the non-capitalist aspect of fanfiction actually a method of silencing the artistic voices of women? And does it take away what should be legitimate opportunities for us to earn an income from what we create?
Excellent read.

FanLib: Our Wannabe Corporate Overlords
From blogs.feministsf.net:
Apparently FanLib is employing fans at a scutwork level - one employee was showing up on discussions at the SixApart place yesterday and defending it. The chutzpah of this goes way beyond privilege into delusional arrogance.

LiveJournal Does Not Equal Fandom
kyuuketsukirui writes: LJ fandom is not fandom ... The people on fanfiction.net are not aware of our issues and discussions.
Good discussion touching on FanLib's intended audience.

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