A small lol from the forums

May 26, 2007 04:52

I can't sleep, so I wanted to see if anyone directly brought up the whole fanfic.net passwords/importer getting blocked issues with FanLib on their forums. Since the forum search features suck and there's no way to search for individual posts but only entire topics, I ended up skimming through a big long thread entitled "Problems" where people post bugs with the site.

It turns out that different browsers have different ways of translating linebreaks within our text editor. If you know any HTML, some use BRs and some use Ps.

O rly? What browser doesn't render a line break or a paragraph? I guess he is used to viewing the internet as one big monolithic wall of text.

Anyway, I find no indication that:

1. Anyone has figured out that importing hasn't worked for three days
2. Anyone had any concerns at all about typing in their ff.net password on FanLib

The FanLib user response to this feature was pretty positive, except when reporting bugs with it, which means that they did use it.

Wonder what's going to happen when they notice ff.net outfoxed them.

fanlib: technical issues, fanlib vs fanfiction.net, fanlib: dotbombing, fanlib: spamming

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