and the summer rolls on

Aug 05, 2006 18:47

What a week. It was hot as nothing short of balls, and with 30 kids to entertain/make sure they don't die of exhaustion, everyone was a little tense. I got completely bitched out by this psychotic father whose other extreme of his bipolar self later apologized, but it was still something that shook me up a little and I'd rather have not dealt with. Every day I came home drenched in the sweat that replaced whatever water I could find to dump on myself and just collapsed into the lull of air conditioning until the next day where I woke up to do it all again. On Friday we went to Lupa Zoo, which was fun, but I'm a huge sucker and ended up buying pony rides for some of the girls in my group who didn't have enough money. If I ever work with under privileged children full time I will go broke emotionally and financially. For now I'm just running a little low. Keeping track of all the kids and their needs and the counselors is nuts, but there are only two weeks left and then I can start to tackle the huge to do list of things before school starts again. I really am ready to go back. On Thursday Diana came up with a friend and we met up for dinner at the Amherst Brewing Company before stalking Chris on campus thanks to his Subaru with Maine license plates. It sure didn't feel like old times and it was another reminder of how different this year is going to be, but it was good anyways. So much has changed and in so many ways yet I can't say that I feel I follow the trend of these major shifts. Maybe we all are just becoming more of who we are in that lame movie script way or maybe some people are just unstable or were crazy all along and the rest of us just missed it somehow. Either way, this semester will be challenging. I'm definitely ready for certain things to come to an end and to look for new opportunities. While trying to figure out just what kind of school supplies I need after being inspired by a few sales I realized how packed my class schedule actually is, but I handled the spring ok and I thought that would be nuts too. I had a lot of time to think today as I scrubbed the floors and walls of some of our chambers in lab and now that they want me to go to their meetings and read their papers too I'm not sure how it will all fit, but I'm glad the year plus of cleaning poo is starting to pay off.

On a lighter note, I saw the most random bumper sticker the other day on my way back from camp. All it said was "Fat people are harder to kidnap." At first, I was confused, a little offended, and wondering why the seemingly slender person in the driver's seat would make such a statement. Then I realized that in fact it was true, and that fat people would be harder to kidnap for a variety of reasons including girth, mass, and constant whine for food. Perhaps it was touting the benefits of obesity or serving as a warning for potential criminals, but I'll be damned if it didn't fill my head for the entire ride back and a few too many moments after. This pretty much sums up my summer. With so much to think about and so many problems to address my mind releases and searches for the unanswerable yet hilarious dilemmas of life. Moving back August 31 sounds better every day.
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