Candleston is still Candleston. Universe, good.

Oct 13, 2010 12:27

I made the trip down to South Wales for the Jackals' event last weekend. I'd had some trepidation about the timing of it, as it was coming right around the time that Allie's visa should be coming through (or, indeed, being rejected by some twat in some office somewhere for having a comma in the wrong place), but then the universe decided that it was going to time some things right, and on the thursday evening I came home to find a bunch of excited messages on my phone, and the news that the Visa had come through fine, and that she'll be back on the 19th. If you're counting, that's monday.

It was perfect timing, and so I went on down by plane to Cardiff, and then on to Swansea, with a wonderful feeling of relief, and the knowledge that I was free to just have fun without anything to worry about.

Swansea itself was fantastic- I hadn't been down there in what seems like forever. Maybe a year and a half? I'm not even sure. As it was, I had an hour or two before Hancock was done work, a good portion of which I spent walking down the High street feeling nostalgic, and hanging about in Castle square reading with a smile on my face. It's strange and wonderful how much it felt like coming home. I must do more of that.

The event itself was pretty cool, too, though I could have done with not being absolutely shatterred on the first night. There were a lot of people who I hadn't seen in ages, longest of whom where Clare and Little Dave, but it was fantastic to see Hancock, Rich, other Rich, Magnus, Pete, Gwyn, Bunting, Mark and the inevitable other person/people I've totally forgotten, thus mortally offending. If you were there and are reading this, I mean you. Really, it wouldn't have been the same without you.

Shame about both Ben and Lucy not being there, but you can't have everything. After all, where would you put it?

Highlights included the storytelling circle of port, Meti's endless digging, and of course, fun with Doggers. When two bizarre subcultures clash, there shall be only one victor!

The trip back was pretty easy, too- Gwyn was very nice and dropped me off at the airport, which meant I did everything at a nice leisurely pace and had an easier journey back than I'd anticipated. Home, sleep, lovely.

Now I just have to get back to that whole 'tidying up my room and making space for Allie's stuff' thing.
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