sentimental ramblings.

Dec 28, 2009 17:21

Oh, bugger it, I was going to post something long, self-indulgent and sentimental but LJ just crashed and ate it. Bare bones, then.

I went to Yorkshire for Christmas with my folks. I stayed here, it was awesome and there was a LOT of sledge-riding in a beautiful snowy landscape.

Just in case anyone doesn't know, I'm engaged, to a very nice American girl called Allison Mclaughlin. We met about a year and a half ago, and have lived together for a while. She still isn't sick of me, so clearly I'm on to a good thing.

The wedding's probably in October or some such. It might be in America, as she's got lots of elderly relatives who would have problems traveling, and plus she's staying in Britain so it'd be a nice thing to do for Americans who won't see her as much now she's over here.

It's pretty damn cool, but feels a bit odd that some of my favourite people haven't met her yet. People are a long way away, I guess. Plus I'm lazy and a terrible friend.

We'd like to come a-visiting folks, when we can.
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