Sep 30, 2007 00:38
Okay. So I'm posting within an hour of my last post. But I totally need to get this out, cause I'll go stark raving mad if I don't.
A few months ago, I met someone from online. Seemingly nice guy who we'll call "The Prick" from now on. Handsome, tall, attractive, but ever so slightly off the mark. We had dinner. He took me to some stupid movie about a guy who has been poisoned and has to keep his adrenaline up or die that I can't remember the name of.... Anyway.
Tonight, he buzzes me on yahoo. And he's like... SUP? Honestly? I had totally forgotten about him. The date was so incredibly non-memorable and not worth the effort that I had taken him off my friends list and pushed him down into the deep dregs of my subconscious mind. After we go through the 10 minute ordeal of him being "wounded" that I didn't remember him... the conversation went something like this...
Prick: So maybe we should hang out again sometime.
Me: Well, you know. I'm kind of at a stage where I'm getting to be really busy. And honestly, I'm not looking for a man right now.
Prick: Oh. Right
Me: No really. I mean, if Mr. Right comes walking through the door, I won't turn him down, but otherwise, I'm not looking.
Prick: Can I be honest with you?
Me: Sure
Prick: I'm not interested in a relationship with you. Who would be? You're kind of everything a man doesn't want to date. You're one of the guys. A girl with no sex appeal. Like, you're pretty cool and know about football and shit, but that's all you have going for you in the girlfriend department. I just thought we could hang out and be pals.
Me: Yeah? Funny, cause I thought the complete opposite of you. Lots of sex appeal. Not really a whole lot else I was interested in.
Prick: You're a bitch.
Me: Hahahahahahahaha
Prick: No really... you remind me of this *insert n-word racial slur here*
Now... just out of curiosity... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? I understand that this guy might have been slightly put out that Fatty McFatterson little me didn't remember his manliness as I watched the stupidest movie in creation with him. But to go right from... Lets hang out... to You have no Sex Appeal? COME ON!
I say all the time that it's not that I don't have self-confidence, it's that I don't have confidence in other people. This is a PRIME example of that. What he said stung for about 15 seconds before I realized he was a total fucktard, but honestly... why do people act that way? I'm blunt and honest with others, but sometimes... tact is a blessing. Really. I didn't need that. And I don't need racial slurs. And I don't need stupidity.
I know I'm chubby. And my hair is wonky. And half the time I have bags under my eyes. But I really don't think I'm un-sexy. I think all people are sexy in their own patented way. I'm SEXY DAMNIT! Even if only I think it!
I'm slowly but surely becoming a total misanthrope. A curmudgeonly miser of my own calloused feelings towards the human race.
And P.S. This isn't a post intended to make people leave a dozen "You so sexy" comments. I just needed to vent :)