Mar 27, 2004 17:33
well hello all you jush babies!
Today has been a wonderful lazy day.
Must tell you all about thursday night at portaloki (karaoki) it was fab. My favorite was Marshall's rendition of "Wind beneath my wings" Totally hilaroius. Wish mand and wils were there! So thursday night ern, abdul, jushy jeff, smisty, doug, peter pan and myself jushy went to mabee's house and had a gay old time. Really we didn't do much except engourge ourselves with greesy pepperoni pizza nad coca cola's. It was great anyways. Kreem sporked jeff all night long. Pretty entertaining. Tonight chelsey and I may hang out with peter...not sure though. I was sposed to go bowling but I decided I only wanted to go if I could throw myself down the lane. THat would be a sight to see. Tomorrow church and Rhizoomen. Should be Fab. Ern and Smist, I hope your having fun in cali! Love you guys