Widmore you sneaky bastard!
I teared up a few times, especially when Ben was in the glade talking to Ilana. But I'm glad that in the sideways time line (STL) he was able to save Alex, even if it wasn't as extreme as on the island it was still nice to see.
"You had me distracted with the sweater vest. You're a real killer."
Ben: -sneaky grin-
Probably my favorite line ever. Other than Hurley's sleepy mumblings about Bananas.
So I'm torn - Jack/Ben or Richard/Ben. With the end of this episode I'm leaning towards Jack/Ben with the whole shy glances when it was reunion team!Jacob.
I'm so a Team!Jacob fan it's not even funny. xD And team sexy!back (Jack+Ben = Sexy!Back)
The more the series progresses the more I'm thinking Ben's not going to die. He's done such character changes and growth since the epitome of manipulative evil bitch that was season 3 Ben.
But, knowing Lost I'll be proven horribly wrong. And then I will cry.
Poor Richard. I love you my eye-liner wearing love! and I don't want you to die.
It was kind of sad to see Ben digging his own grave. Knowing the sick twistedness that is Lost, he'll end up in it anyway. -sad sigh-
"That's Dr. Linus." xD
WIDMORE! ...Where did you get the submarine?
All in all, probably one of my favorite episodes.